Artificial Tears Market Size to Expand Significantly by the End of 2028

The human eye, a marvel of engineering, relies on a delicate balance of tear production and evaporation to maintain its health and clarity. However, modern life, with its dependence on screens, pollution, and aging, often disrupts this equilibrium, leading to a growing epidemic of dry eyes. This, in turn, fuels the demand for artificial tears, a market poised for significant expansion during the 2023-2028 period.

The Rising Tide of Dry Eyes:

Dry eye syndrome, a condition characterized by insufficient tear production or excessive evaporation, afflicts an estimated 1 in 5 people globally. Factors like increased screen time, aging population, air conditioning, and certain medications contribute to its prevalence. This widespread condition represents a substantial unmet medical need, paving the way for the artificial tears market to flourish.

Market Growth Projections:

Stratview Research reports predict a healthy compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.48% for the artificial tears market during the forecast period. This translates to a potential market size of US$4.01 billion by 2028, up from US$2.9 billion in 2022. This upward trajectory is driven by several key factors:

  • Growing awareness of dry eye syndrome: Increased media coverage and educational campaigns are raising public awareness about dry eye, leading to earlier diagnosis and treatment.

  • Shifting demographics: An aging population with a higher risk of dry eye syndrome is contributing to market growth.

  • Technological advancements: New formulations with improved lubrication, longer-lasting effects, and preservative-free options are attracting consumers and expanding the market reach.

  • Rise of disposable formats: Single-use vials and drops offer convenience and hygiene, further driving market demand.


The artificial tears market is segmented by type, delivery mode and by application. Each segment presents unique growth potential:

  • Liquid artificial tears hold the largest market share due to their ease of use and affordability.

  • Preservative-free options are gaining traction due to concerns about potential side effects of preservatives.

  • Contact lens wearers represent a significant user base for artificial tears, driving demand for lubricating and compatible formulas.

  • Emerging markets like Asia-Pacific and Latin America offer substantial growth potential due to rising disposable incomes and increasing awareness of dry eye syndrome.

Challenges and the Road Ahead:

Despite the promising outlook, the artificial tears market faces certain challenges. Intense competition among major players like Allergan, Alcon, and Bausch & Lomb can lead to price pressure. Regulatory hurdles for new drug approvals can also slow down market penetration of innovative products.

To navigate these challenges and capitalize on the growth potential, market players can focus on:

  • Developing differentiated products: Offering innovative formulations with specific benefits like longer-lasting effects, natural ingredients, or compatibility with sensitive eyes.

  • Investing in R&D: Continuously improving product efficacy and safety through research and development.

  • Building brand awareness: Implementing effective marketing and educational campaigns to reach new customers and raise awareness about dry eye syndrome.

  • Expanding distribution channels: Exploring partnerships with online retailers and pharmacies to increase product availability and accessibility.


The artificial tears market is poised for sustained expansion during the 2023-2028 period, driven by the rising burden of dry eye syndrome, technological advancements, and shifting demographics. Market players who adapt to changing consumer preferences, invest in innovation, and prioritize accessibility stand to reap significant rewards in this growing healthcare sector. As awareness about eye health continues to rise, the artificial tears market holds immense promise for improving the lives of millions struggling with dry eyes.
