181° about me 

Abdulwahab Al Zaidi

Businesser | Travel Adventurer | Blogger

Colombia coffee farms من أحد مرازع القهوة في كولومبيا
مشروع دعسوقة Dasoqa Project
صحراء الملح Salt flat
Death Road Bolivia طريق الموت في بوليفيا

Growing up in multiple cultures

I don't know how many different schools I went to during my childhood and adolescence, but it was more than seven. Sometimes I would be the odd one out, but I'd like to think it helped me understand different kinds of people

Different family background

Behaviorists believe that environment is vital to someone's personality; the environment we grow up defines who we are, as our family does.

Since both my parents' sides come from totally different backgrounds; as a result, that had a significant impact on my personality, dreams, and goals

Commercialization is just as important as scientific discovery

At university, I studied Business. The theoretical concepts and ideas were interesting, but I always thought the impact was limited without commercialization. I enjoyed the concept of experimentation and the role it plays in building new technologies and products that people want and are willing to pay for

Entrepreneurship kind of found me

I read and listened to many stories about business and entrepreneurs during my university; they all had incredible stories and unique backgrounds. I liked the fact that it is about doing things differently and that there are no rules; this really resonates with me

I was hooked
