Childcare Programs Near Me

By (Kiddie Academy of Stafford)


Does it matter when a child starts preschool?

According to the proverb Age is just a number, however, when it comes to education. It's important to enroll your child in preschool. Why? A newborn's brain is about 1/4 the size of the average adult brain. Childcare Programs Near Me, It doubles in size in the first year and continues to grow, reaching about 80% of its adult size by the age of three and 90%, almost full-grown at the age of five. Having a supportive preschool environment and age-appropriate curriculum can support the development and achievement of important goals.

So does it matter when a child starts preschool? Yes, starting your child's preschool in preschool can promote growth and development. Read on to learn the skills your child will develop before and as they attend preschool. and how to set up your child for success by supporting them at home.

What skills should my child know before school?

Does your child need to know certain skills before entering kindergarten? Not necessarily. Age-appropriate curriculum can help your child develop important skills. However, there are skills that can help your child adjust to the environment. Here's a breakdown of common skills your child will begin to develop before and upon entering preschool. as well as various methods to help you reach your child

#1 Communication Skills

Since the language that expresses understanding Your child's ability to communicate needs and understand others' requests is important for preschoolers. These not only serve as the basis for reading and writing. Childcare needed near me, But speaking and language skills are also essential components for lifelong positive social interactions.

How can you support this at home?

Encourage your child to follow verbal instructions through simple daily activities such as brushing teeth and getting dressed. Support this ability through deep learning experiences that emphasize the need to understand verbal directions such as cooking, baking, and games such as “Simon Says” or “Red Light, Green Light.”

Describe, sort, and predict. Describe everything you are observing, seeing or feeling throughout the day. Share your emotions and experiences with your child through descriptive lectures. and invite them to do the same. while you go for a walk point out what you see Share how it made you feel. And what do you think will happen next? “Look at those beautiful white flowers! I feel very happy when I see them. I wonder if yellow will continue to grow!” Then invite your child to do the same by asking what they saw or what they thought would happen next.

#2 Physical Development

From fine motor skills to strengthened gross motor skills. The physical development of preschoolers is progressing in many ways, their days are full of movement and movement. From washing your hands to running, jumping and climbing.

Although the development of fine motor skills for each child looks different, But there are many ways to promote them at home, such as:

Practice hand washing to dry.

hold and use food equipment

Play jump scotch and jump jack.

riding a tricycle kicking a ball

Improve hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills by playing puzzles. building with blocks brush painting or squeezing with scissors

#3 Social skills

Your child begins to learn basic social skills from day one. While it may seem like all they can do is burp, sleep, eat and repeat (along with the occasional production of dirty diapers), they absorb your social symbol. and continual development of social skills is essential. It's something the kindergarten will promote. But parents can support at home as well.

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