How to Optimize Your Youtube Channel - Guidelines That Really Work

A person who joins Youtube as a member can make his personal Youtube channel. After creating a personal Youtube channel, you are allowed to customize its some features. Different people are using Youtube channels for different purposes but most of the Youtube channels are using the Youtube channels for earning a point of view. They publish their content and Google Adsense shows their ads on their videos and they earn revenue from these ads. In order to get success on Youtube, it is necessary for them to optimize their Youtube channel. Some essential tips to optimize the Youtube channel are given below;

Put a Keyword Into Your Channel Name:

It is a fact that the on-page metadata on your Youtube channel works in the same way as it works on a website. Therefore, to add a keyword into the name of the Youtube channel is the right strategy to optimize your Youtube channel. By adding the keyword into your channel name, you will be able to make your Youtube channel a brand and it will also be helpful to you in searching the data. For example, if you want to upload funny videos on your Youtube channel, the name of your channel should be like ‘Funny boys’.

Don’t Ignore the About Us Page:

Most of the Youtube users don’t fill the about us page because they directly focus on the videos. To fill the about us page is the right strategy to optimize your Youtube channel. Its reason is that with the help of this page, you can tell the visitors who you are and how your channel will be helpful for them. In the first 48 characters of the about us page, you should tell the visitors who you are. In the next characters, you should tell the audience members about the videos you will produce and how your videos will be valuable for the visitors. While filling the about us page, you should also try to insert some keywords. These keywords are helpful to you to improve the SEO of your Youtube channel.

Use Channel Keyword Tags Under Advanced Setting:

In the advanced setting of your Youtube channel, you can add 100 characters even related to your dissertation writing services UK. In these 100 characters, you should try to apply some tags. In these tags, you should try to describe the scope of your Youtube’s channel’s metadata. These tags are also helpful to you to index your channel on Google. Google will show your channel into its search results on the basis of the contextual information. While adding these keywords, you should not do keyword stuffing. Its reason is that if you do keyword stuffing, this activity will decrease the ranking of your Youtube channel.

Update Your Channel Trailer:

The trailer of a Youtube channel is the visual of it’s about us page. The trailer of a Youtube channel is for the non-subscribers because its main purpose is to tell the audience members that your Youtube channel is beneficial for them. The length of your Youtube channel should not exceed from 30 to 60 seconds. Some essential points to keep in mind while creating the trailer for your Youtube channel are that you should introduce yourself, you should hook the viewers into the first few seconds of the trailer, you should encourage the viewers to subscribe your channel and you should inspire the viewers with the help of practical examples.

Publish Long Videos:

The watch time of a video is considered as a vital ranking factor. Its reason is that if a video has more watch time, it means that it is more valuable for the viewers. For this reason, you should try to create at least 10 minutes of videos. In these 10 minutes of videos, you should try to provide valuable information to the viewers. If you don’t provide valuable information to the viewers, the viewers will skip your videos after a few seconds. As a result, the ranking of your videos will be decreased instead of improving. The best topic to create longer and engaging videos are ‘How to’. Its reason is that it is rich in information and explanation.

Focus On First 15 Seconds:

In order to maximize the watch time of your videos, you should focus on the first 15 seconds of your Youtube videos. Its reason is that within these 15 seconds, the viewers will decide either the specific video is valuable for them or not. If you are able to engage the viewers within the first 15 seconds, it means that you will be able to increase the watch time of your videos. Moreover, it will also be helpful to you to increase the ranking of the videos.

Create Playlists:

For the optimization of your Youtube channel, you should never forget to create playlists on your channel. Its reason is that these playlists are helpful to you to enhance the watch time on your Youtube channel because when the viewer finishes one video, Youtube will automatically show him the next video. It means that the attention of the viewer will be transferred from one video to another. These playlists are also helpful to you to divide the lengthy topic into more than one video. For example, if you have covered a lengthy topic in a single video, the viewers will never show interest in watching such a lengthy video. On the other hand, if you have divided this video into different parts, the viewers will try to watch it completely. Along with these tips, you can also optimize your Youtube channel by saying keywords in your videos, by strengthening the signals of the users, by customizing the video thumbnails and by creating the compelling titles.


Youtube is a video sharing platform which allows the people to create their personal channels and share their videos. After sharing these videos, people can earn money by monetizing their videos. In order to get success on Youtube, people have to optimize Youtube channels. Some essential tips to optimize the Youtube channel are to put a keyword into the channel name, to fill the about us page, to update the channel’s trailer, to create the playlist and to upload the lengthy videos.