10 Tips to Perfect Your Essay Referencing 

Essays take information from other sources and use them to assist in their analysis and arguments. The only way the information can be used is to make sure that the author/s from where the information is derived from is indicated in the essay. If you use information from other sources without giving them the due credit, you will have plagiarized the informative speech topics.

When you take the help of a free essay writer, you cannot be too sure of the essay being plagiarism proof, so it’s better to research and write on your own and consult only on the review part. 

Plagiarism is academic theft. Borrowing information produced by others without acknowledging the author is unethical. However, you are still plagiarising when you follow poor referencing due to oversight or lack of proper knowledge.

Here are ten tips that you should follow and heed to when providing references for the information used in your essay.


Know the difference between Citations and References

Citation is in-text referencing that you provide to the readers for the information, either word to word or paraphrase, borrowed from a source. The citation style varies according to the different formats such as MLA, APA, Chicago, etc. Usually, the citation will include the name of the author and the date of publication. Some formats allow you to specify the page number also.

References hold the sources that you have used the rhetorical analysis essay example from and have cited in the essay. These references come after the essay. It allows people to check out the original information on their own


Make sure to separate your ideas from borrowed ones

While taking notes and reading into the topic, you will reflect upon the information provided and come up with opinions of your own. Make sure to follow a note-taking system that keeps your thoughts separate from the source information. For if you mix the two you will end up not knowing what to reference and what not to and end up mixing your own thought to the cited information.


Use the right book edition in your references

Only the most pedantic instructor will notice these mistakes, but it is your hook examples to present the correct information. Make sure that you use the correct book edition when referencing, for different editions have different page numbering; you might send the reader to the wrong page and if it’s your instructor then it can cost you.


Note down each and every source (reference and bibliography)

You should not only include the sources whose information you have included in the essay but every source that has provided you with information, including the background information, analysis, evidence, etc.

You should know the difference between bibliography and references to understand it better. While references include the source address for the information you have cited, the bibliography includes each and every source that you have taken help from. This help doesn’t translate directly on the essay but helps you write the essay content.


Choose the correct referencing styles

Make sure that you use the correct persuasive speech topics while referencing. You should consult your essay guidelines to check the style required for the reading. There are many referencing styles that you will be asked to style the citations and references in, such as APA, Harvard, MLA, Chicago, etc.

You can also use various referencing software to make sure that the references, citations, and bibliography uses the same style of referencing. This software not only helps you keep to the right reference style but also helps them organize the sources and add new ones. 

Useful Resources:

Why Should we Talk about Different Types of Essays

Fascinating Ideas for Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

Rules for Writing Dialogues In A Narrative Essay

