Gluco Defender Diabetes Reviews (New Report) Clinically-Researched Ingredients That Truly Work or Fake Hype?

Gluco Defender Diabetes is a blood sugar support supplement popular throughout the United States.

The natural ingredients in Gluco Defender Diabetes aim to support the three pillars of healthy blood sugar: absorption, production, and usage.

Does Gluco Defender Diabetes work? How does Gluco Defender Diabetes support healthy blood sugar/ Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about the supplement today in our review.


What is Gluco Defender Diabetes?

Gluco Defender Diabetes is a nutritional supplement marketed mainly to people with diabetes who want help supporting healthy blood sugar.

Available exclusively online, the supplement optimizes the absorption of blood sugar, insulin production, and sugar metabolization to promote blood sugar balance.

Gluco Defender Diabetes contains a blend of natural ingredients linked to blood sugar control to achieve these effects. Active ingredients within Gluco Defender Diabetes include alpha lipoic acid, green tea extract, and chromium.

According to Gluco Defender, Gluco Defender Diabetes is the number one blood sugar supplement in the United Kingdom, and the company just launched the supplement in the United States.

How Does Gluco Defender Diabetes Work?

Gluco Defender Diabetes works by targeting the “three pillars” of blood sugar management.

While some supplements only target the absorption of blood sugar or insulin production, Gluco Defender Diabetes claims to target the issue from multiple angles for optimal relief.

The 20 ingredients in Gluco Defender Diabetes were handpicked for their ability to absorb blood sugar, produce insulin, or help your body use sugar. Together, these three pillars can promote lower blood sugar levels. Instead of sugar languishing in your blood and causing high blood sugar readings, your body can absorb and utilize this sugar by producing insulin.

Gluco Defender Diabetes contains a blend of proven ingredients, including plant extracts, herbs, vitamins, and minerals, to achieve these effects. The manufacturer of Gluco Defender Diabetes discloses all ingredients and dosages upfront, making it easy to see what’s inside the formula, how it works, and the most critical components.

Gluco Defender Diabetes Targets the Three Pillars of Blood Sugar Management

Managing blood sugar is about more than just boosting insulin production or absorbing more sugar. Instead, it’s about tackling the issue from multiple angles.

That’s why Gluco Defender Diabetes targets the “three pillars” of blood sugar, including the absorption of sugar that’s already in your blood, the production of insulin, and the metabolization of sugar:


Pillar #1: Absorbing Blood Sugar: The first pillar in the Gluco Defender Diabetes formula is blood sugar absorption. To help your body absorb sugar, Gluco Defender Diabetes uses a blend of berberine and gymnema sylvestre. These two plant extracts work by “supercharging your path to balanced blood sugar,” according to the manufacturer. Specifically, berberine boosts metabolism and enhances cellular energy by activating AMP-activated protein kinase, helping to combat insulin resistance. Other ingredients work by targeting your taste buds – something we don’t typically see with blood sugar supplements. Gymnema sylvestre, for example, “lowers sugar absorption by taming taste bud receptors and may influence glucose,” according to the manufacturer.

Pillar #2: Producing Insulin: Some ingredients in Gluco Defender Diabetes are designed to boost insulin production or enhance insulin in other ways. According to the manufacturer of Gluco Defender Diabetes, for example, alpha lipoic acid “improves insulin sensitivity.” When your body has higher insulin sensitivity, it can better respond to blood sugar spikes. Other ingredients like chromium play an essential role by “Enhancing insulin’s effectiveness,” according to the manufacturer. Meanwhile, manganese and zinc “act as the guardians of balanced blood sugar production,” according to the official website, helping your body protect itself against high blood sugar and its effects.

Pillar #3: Metabolizing Blood Sugar: People with high sugar metabolism tend to have less sugar in their blood than people with low sugar metabolism. Your body metabolizes sugar to turn it into energy. Glucose is the most readily available form of energy within your body. The makers of Gluco Defender Diabetes added ingredients like alpha lipoic acid and green tea extract to the formula “to enhance sugar utilization,” according to the official website. When your body can use sugar more efficiently, it can transform it into energy, removing it from your blood and turning it into something useful.

Gluco Defender Diabetes Ingredients

Gluco Defender Diabetes contains a handpicked blend of 20 ingredients to promote blood sugar balance and the above.

Here are all 20 active ingredients in Gluco Defender Diabetes and how they work:

Cinnamon: At 250mg per serving, cinnamon is one of the most significant ingredients in Gluco Defender Diabetes. The manufacturer of Gluco Defender Diabetes claims this dosage is “equivalent to 1,000mg” of cinnamon because it’s a 4:1 extract. Concentrating cinnamon into a highly condensed form allows you to get the maximum benefit without eating spoonfuls of the spice. According to the makers of Gluco Defender Diabetes, the cinnamon in the formula “has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity and reduce blood sugar spikes after meals,” helping to support two of the blood sugar pillars listed above.

Ginseng: Ginseng is the second most prominent ingredient in Gluco Defender Diabetes, trailing only berberine and L-carnitine. With 500mg of ginseng per serving, Gluco Defender Diabetes uses the popular natural extract to promote healthy blood sugar levels. To do that, ginseng purportedly enhances insulin secretion and reduces insulin resistance, helping your body balance blood sugar levels naturally. Ginseng is used in traditional Chinese, Korean, and other alternative medicine modalities worldwide. Today, studies show ginseng works by providing a rich source of ginsenosides, which are natural molecules that appear to have antioxidant effects.

Berberine: Berberine is one of the most popular blood sugar support supplement ingredients available today, and many people take berberine daily for health and wellness. At 1,000mg per serving, berberine is also the most significant ingredient in Gluco Defender Diabetes. According to the manufacturer, berberine “has demonstrated remarkable glucose-lowering effects” by increasing insulin sensitivity. Berberine is even known for “reducing sugar production in the liver,” according to the manufacturer.

Gymnema Sylvestre: Gymnema sylvestre is a plant extract best known for its effects on blood sugar and diabetes. Some people with diabetes take the plant extract daily for health and wellness. According to the makers of Gluco Defender Diabetes, gymnema sylvestre “helps lower blood sugar by reducing sugar absorption in the intestines and increasing insulin production in the pancreas.” If you have diabetes, then your pancreas doesn’t produce the right amount of insulin in response to rising blood sugar levels, causing you to have high blood sugar. The gymnema sylvestre in Gluco Defender Diabetes can purportedly help.

Vitamin D: Gluco Defender Diabetes contains 400 IU of vitamin D. Vitamin D is known for various effects throughout the body – from immune function to hormone production to blood sugar balance. The makers of Gluco Defender Diabetes added vitamin D to the formula because it “plays a crucial role in insulin regulation and improving insulin sensitivity.”

Chromium: Gluco Defender Diabetes contains chromium, an essential mineral for health and wellness. Chromium is involved in hundreds of processes throughout the body, but it seems particularly important for insulin production and blood sugar balance. Studies show diabetics tend to have lower chromium levels than non-diabetics – even if they get the same amount of chromium from dietary sources. By taking Gluco Defender Diabetes daily, you can give yourself a strong dose (500mcg) of chromium. According to the manufacturer, the chromium within the formula works by “facilitating the transport of glucose into cells.”


Alpha Lipoic Acid: Alpha lipoic acid is an antioxidant molecule found in certain types of meat. The ingredient enhances insulin sensitivity while promoting antioxidant effects, helping to protect against oxidative stress associated with diabetes. There’s 600mg of alpha lipoic acid in each serving of Gluco Defender Diabetes.

B Vitamins: Gluco Defender Diabetes contains four B vitamins, including vitamins B1, B6, B7, and B12. Vitamins B6 and B12 are known for their effects on cellular energy. If you’re deficient in vitamins B6 and B12, your body may struggle to produce power at the cellular level, making you feel physically and cognitively tired. Meanwhile, vitamin B7 (biotin) is a popular ingredient found in many blood sugar support supplements because, as the manufacturer of Gluco Defender Diabetes explains, it’s “involved in glucose metabolism and may help improve insulin sensitivity.” Vitamin B1 (thiamine), helps “support nerve health and prevents diabetic complications,” according to the manufacturer. Overall, multiple B vitamins are essential for diabetics, and some people with diabetes take B vitamin supplements daily for health and wellness.

Green Tea Extract: Green tea may be one of the world’s healthiest beverages. It’s also one of the most widely consumed beverages. Green tea extract supports benefits because it’s packed with epigallocatechin gallate, EGCG, and other antioxidants. These antioxidants neutralize free radicals throughout the body that cause inflammation. Diabetics tend to have higher base levels of inflammation than people without diabetes, and taking an antioxidant supplement could help. There’s 300mg of green tea extract in each serving of Gluco Defender Diabetes, and this green tea “supports weight management and insulin sensitivity,” according to the manufacturer, helping to support blood sugar control indirectly.

Minerals: Gluco Defender Diabetes contains multiple minerals, including manganese, potassium, and zinc. These minerals are involved in hundreds of processes throughout the body – from hormone production to your immune system. In Gluco Defender Diabetes, however, these minerals are essential in regulating blood sugar. They help your body produce hormones like insulin, reducing sugar in your bloodstream.

Vitamin C: Vitamin C is nature’s best antioxidant. Found in fruits, vegetables, plants, and more, vitamin C helps to defend nature’s bounty against sun damage and other environmental stressors. Today, you can use vitamin C’s power to protect your body against stressors. Vitamin C neutralizes the free radicals that cause inflammation, helping you promote powerful effects. Each serving of Gluco Defender Diabetes contains 75mg of vitamin C to “help reduce inflammation and oxidative stress linked to diabetes.”

L-Carnitine: L-carnitine is an amino acid linked to energy production. Naturally present in meats and certain other types of food, L-carnitine has been shown to help support healthy blood sugar levels. According to the makers of Gluco Defender Diabetes, L-carnitine “helps cells utilize glucose for energy production.” When your cells can use glucose more efficiently to produce energy, it reduces the amount of sugar circulating in your blood, “potentially reducing high blood sugar levels.” Each serving of Gluco Defender Diabetes contains 1,000mg of L-carnitine, which makes it the largest ingredient in the formula (tied with berberine, which also has 1,000mg per serving).

CoQ10: The 20th and final ingredient in Gluco Defender Diabetes is coenzyme 10, or CoQ10. This antioxidant molecule “may help protect cells from damage caused by high blood sugar,” according to the manufacturer. There’s 60mg of CoQ10 in each serving of Gluco Defender Diabetes. That may not sound large compared to other ingredients, but it’s a strong dose linked to significant antioxidant effects. Some take CoQ10 daily for anti-aging effects, while others take it for general inflammation. By protecting your cells from the effects of high blood sugar, CoQ10 could support overall health and wellness in diabetics or anyone else concerned with blood sugar balance.

Scientific Evidence for Gluco Defender Diabetes

Gluco Defender Diabetes contains 20 ingredients linked to blood sugar balance, insulin production, and overall health and wellness. The manufacturer does not disclose any medical or scientific expertise used to create Gluco Defender Diabetes, nor do they have a formula references page. However, we’ll review the science behind the ingredients in Gluco Defender Diabetes below.

Berberine is the largest ingredient in Gluco Defender Diabetes. In a 2009 study, researchers tested the safety and efficacy of berberine on a group of patients with diabetes. A group of 36 adults took berberine or metformin, the popular diabetes drug, over three months. Over those three months, those in the berberine group experienced drops in fasting blood glucose and HbA1c scores similar to those in the metformin group. Because of these results, researchers concluded that “the hypoglycemic effect of berberine was similar to that of metformin.”

Carnitine has also been linked to blood sugar management in some studies. A 2019 study, for example, found that L-carnitine supplementation improved glycemic control based on the results of 37 trials involving hundreds of patients. Across all those studies, researchers found L-carnitine “resulted in a significant reduction in fasting plasma glucose” and other diabetes symptoms.

Green tea is another vital ingredient in Gluco Defender Diabetes. It’s typically found in weight loss supplements and energy boosters – not blood sugar support supplements. However, studies have connected green tea to powerful effects on blood sugar and insulin sensitivity. In a 2013 meta-analysis, for example, researchers analyzed the results of green tea across multiple trials involving 1,133 subjects. Across all these trials, researchers found green tea had “favorable effects” on blood sugar, lowering fasting glucose and HbA1c concentrations.

Finally, like many blood sugar supplements available today, Gluco Defender Diabetes contains gymnema sylvestre. The plant extract has surged in popularity among people with diabetes and those with blood sugar control issues after some studies have connected it to improved blood sugar balance. A 2010 study, for example, found people with type 2 diabetes who took 500mg of gymnema sylvestre daily had improvements in fatigue, blood glucose (fasting and post-prandial), and glycated hemoglobin, among other measurements.

Gluco Defender Diabetes seems to have a strong dosage. Typically, capsulated supplements contain around 250mg to 500mg of powdered extract per capsule. Gluco Defender Diabetes, according to the official website, contains well over 3,000mg per serving, including impressive doses of berberine (1,000mg) and L-carnitine (1,000mg), among other active ingredients.


Overall, Gluco Defender Diabetes contains a blend of proven blood sugar-balancing ingredients at surprisingly large doses. The supplement could support healthy blood sugar when taken along with a doctor-recommended treatment plan.

Gluco Defender Diabetes Supplement Facts Label

Each serving of Gluco Defender Diabetes contains a significant dose of berberine, L-carnitine, plant extracts, and other active ingredients linked to blood sugar balance – including the three pillars mentioned above.

Gluco Defender Diabetes Reviews: What Do Customers Say?

Gluco Defender Diabetes, like most blood sugar support supplements, appears to be specifically marketed to customers in the United Kingdom and the United States who have diabetes.

Here are some of the reviews shared by verified purchasers on the official website and other sources online:

One customer claims he has “struggled with fluctuating blood sugar levels for years” before taking Gluco Defender Diabetes, describing the supplement as a “game-changer.” His energy levels are more consistent since taking the supplement, and he’s “thrilled with the positive impact it’s had on my overall well-being.”

Another customer is “relieved” to have found a great blood sugar support supplement, describing the formula as “an essential part of my daily routine.”

That same customer claims to have “noticed a significant improvement in [her] blood sugar levels” since she started taking Gluco Defender Diabetes, describing the unique combination of ingredients within the formula as “impressive.”

Another customer describes her blood sugar levels as “a rollercoaster,” claiming they’ve been imbalanced for years. Since taking Gluco Defender Diabetes, however, her “blood sugar readings have stabilized,” increasing her energy and vitality.

According to the official website, Gluco Defender Diabetes is “the UK’s number 1 blood sugar supplement,” although it’s unclear which organization ranked the supplement as the nation’s best blood sugar supplement or how that ranking worked.

Overall, there are few reviews for Gluco Defender Diabetes available online outside of the official website – despite being the #1 blood sugar supplement in the United Kingdom. Nevertheless, most reviews online have good things to say about Gluco Defender Diabetes and how it works, finding the supplement works as advertised to promote blood sugar balance.

Gluco Defender Diabetes Pricing

Gluco Defender Diabetes was initially released in the UK and is now available in the US as well. The more bottles you buy, the more you can save.

Here’s how pricing works when ordering Gluco Defender Diabetes online today:

Order one bottle for $68.99 + Free Shipping

Order two bottles for $114.99 ($57.50 Per bottle) + Free Shipping

Order four bottles for $172.99 ($43.25 Per bottle) + Free Shipping

All prices include free shipping to addresses in the United States.

Each bottle of Gluco Defender Diabetes contains a one-month supply, or 30 servings (60 capsules). You take two capsules daily to promote blood sugar balance.

About Gluco Defender Diabetes

Gluco Defender Diabetes is made by a supplement company that does business under the same name. Gluco Defender Diabetes was initially launched where it became the nation’s #1 blood sugar supplement. After the successful launch, Gluco Defender Diabetes launched its flagship supplement in the United States.

Final Word

Gluco Defender Diabetes is a blood sugar support supplement popular in the United Kingdom and recently launched in the United States.

Featuring surprisingly large doses of L-carnitine, gymnema sylvestre, green tea extract, and berberine, Gluco Defender Diabetes aims to promote powerful effects on energy, blood sugar balance, glucose utilization, and more.

