how long do betta fish live and how to increase their lifespan?

Owning a Betta fish can be gratifying, but it's important to comprehend the fundamentals, such as their lifespan. If you currently have or are thinking about getting one of these lovely aquatic animals, you must be aware of how long do betta fish live. In this write-up, we will explore the lifespan time and factors of betta fish and also the ways to prolong them. 

how long do betta fish live?

Even today, despite adequate care and clean water, many people find it difficult to keep their Betta fish happy and healthy for a full year or year and a half. Since it appears that the average lifespan of Betta fish is decreasing, many hobbyists find this to be concerning. 

So, how long do betta fish live? Bettas normally have a lifespan of two to five years, but they can survive even longer with the right care and environmental circumstances. The lifespan of betta fish is the same whether they are kept in captivity or in the wild. The lifespan of wild and captive Bettas is roughly equal, however there are some circumstances that can limit it. However, this isn't always the case because sometimes confined animals live a lot longer than their wild counterparts do.

For betta fish, routine veterinary care is beneficial. Regular check-ups can assist in identifying any potential health problems early on and preventing them from getting worse. It's crucial to be on the lookout for symptoms of disease, such as appetite loss, fatigue, or strange behaviour, and to get the proper care as soon as possible.

Diet has a big impact on how long do betta fish live. A well-balanced diet made up of premium betta pellets or flakes, plus sporadic treats like freeze-dried or live food like brine shrimp or bloodworms, helps them get the critical nutrients they need. Overeating should be prevented because it can result in obesity and other health problems.

How to increase their lifespan?

Now that you know how long do betta fish live, you should know how to increase their lifespan if you are planning to own one. 

Better Tank set up 

Betta fish require a tank that gives them plenty of room to swim and explore. Put some real or silk plants in the tank, as well as some hiding places like caves or little ornaments. To stop them from jumping out, make sure the tank has a tight-fitting lid. It is advised to use tanks at least 5 gallons in capacity, while bigger tanks are even better. 

Bettas shouldn't be kept in little pots or bowls because they have limited mobility and a poorer environment. Avoid using ornaments with pointed or rough edges that could damage the fins.

Feeding Procedures

Betta fish require a diet that is both nutritious and well-balanced. Bettas shouldn't be overfed because obesity can cause health issues. Feed them once or twice a day in small servings that they can finish in a few minutes. Feed them premium betta pellets or flakes that are designed to meet their dietary requirements. Eliminate any leftover food to keep it from spoiling and contaminating the water.

Lighting and Photoperiod

Bettas thrive in environments with regular lighting cycles that mirror their nocturnal and diurnal cycles in nature. The tank should not be placed in direct sunlight or next to sources of extreme heat or cold. A steady photoperiod of 8 to 12 hours of light and 12 to 16 hours of darkness should be provided. By automating the lights, you may give your bettas a consistent routine. While temperature extremes can damage fish, direct sunlight can cause temperature changes and algal blooms.

Water quality

People who are wondering how long do betta fish live must know that water quality is a notable factor responsible for their lifespan. Keeping the water clear and consistent is essential to the health of betta fish. Check the water's temperature, pH, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels on a regular basis. Bettas prefer water that is between 6.5 and 7.5 pH levels and between 75°F and 82°F (24°C to 28°C) in temperature.

To keep the water pure and get rid of waste, use a dependable water filter. Bettas are sensitive to variations in water chemistry and temperature, therefore keep these changes from occurring suddenly.

Water condition and filtration 

Bettas are considered as labyrinth fish, which means they have a special organ called the labyrinth organ that enables them to breathe air from the surface. Water conditions and filtration are also important for bettas. Keep the water level a few inches below the tank lip to provide them access to the water's surface. To maintain water circulation and get rid of contaminants, install a mild filter in the tank. Bettas prefer calmer waters, so make sure the flow from the filter is not too strong. 

Maintenance and Cleaning

Betta fish require regular tank cleaning and maintenance. Every week, perform partial water changes of 25% to 50% to remove contaminants that have collected and keep the water quality high. The substrate should be vacuumed to get rid of any leftover food, waste, or debris. Avoid using aggressive cleaners or detergents since the residue they leave behind can harm fish. Before reusing any equipment, give it a thorough rinse.

Stress reduction 

Reducing stress is essential for betta fish to flourish and live longer. Keep the tank from becoming overcrowded and make sure they have enough room to swim without engaging in territorial disputes. Provide ample hiding places and barriers to line of sight if housing numerous bettas to lessen aggression. To ensure their wellbeing, keep the area around the tank in a quiet and decently bright place. 


If you own a betta fish or planning to own one, it is important to know how long do betta fish live. 

As we have also discussed the ways to prolong their lifespan, you can follow the guidelines to produce a Betta that is happier, healthier, and more likely to live longer than its competitors who do not have these advantages!
