Tooth decay is a common dental issue that can hurt your overall health and tooth structure. Tooth decay can be caused due to many factors. If you are concerned about your teeth, you can start looking for the signs of decay so that you can get immediate treatment. Receiving early treatment can save you from losing your tooth permanently. 

Cavities can be detected via having a dental test. The doctor may suggest you prepare for an x-ray. The x-ray is done to diagnose the area of tooth decay and to find cavities. Cavities can build up at any part of the tooth but are usually present at the back portion of the tooth.


You will see dark spots on the tooth surface at the initial stages. It may not look severe, but this simple staining of the tooth can worsen. As time passes, the simple staining covers the entire tooth and causes immense pain to the individual. 

Holes Building on Teeth

You may probably know that bacteria cause a cavity in the tooth, and these bacteria feed on the tooth and create small holes. The whole development means that a cavity is forming on your tooth.  

Sensitive to Hot and Cold Foods

As the decay persists, the dentin starts to reveal itself. This is the most porous part of the tooth and causes sensitivity issues. At this stage, your teeth will become more sensitive. You feel a paining sensation whenever you drink something cold or hot. When this happens to you, consider it as a cavity problem.

Unpleasant Breath

As discussed before, cavities are caused due to bacterial infection, which has been allowed to develop. Like any other species, the bacteria in your mouth generate waste, leading to lousy breathing and causing an unpleasant taste in your mouth. If you feel that you have a consistent bad breath that is quite challenging to cover, you may need to have a check-up with your local Orthodontics in San Bernardino.

Pain and Discomfort

The cavity in the tooth is responsible for causing the pain. As a result, you will feel pain while eating something solid. You may also find it challenging while brushing your teeth or flossing in specific areas. This is caused when dentin is exposed, which has allowed the entry of food particles inside the teeth. 

If you want to avoid dental cavities, it is better to have a monthly check-up from a well-known dental clinic such as Vernon Dental Specialty Group. This clinic has well-experienced dentists and offers unmatched orthodontic services.
