Marketing services: how to understand what you need?

What are marketing services?

The range of services provided by agencies is quite wide. What it includes:


This is quite a wide layer of services, which includes research of the market, audience and competitors, search for new niches, as well as analytics of the business itself: its marketing strategy, effectiveness of advertising communications, search for ways of development, etc. These services can be ordered separately or as a package.

Development of marketing strategy

The agency takes on all responsibilities for developing a promotion strategy: from analytics to media plan. This service is suitable for small businesses if they do not have an in-house specialist, or if the company's marketer does not have enough experience and resources to qualitatively perform such a complicated and complex task.

SEO and working with the site

SEO promotion includes a whole set of tools. One of the most important stages of SEO is the work on the website, its technical characteristics, design and usability. All these works require deep specific knowledge, so this service is popular also among representatives of large businesses.


It consists of maintaining pages in social networks and targeting advertising. For page management, an analysis of the audience is carried out, recommendations on the design are given and a content plan for publications is drawn up. Targeted advertising involves setting up, evaluating the effectiveness and making adjustments. Now the audience of social networks is actively growing, so any business will be able to find its target audience there.

Work with reputation

It can be divided into two areas: SERM and online PR. The goal of SERM is to make the user, when entering the name of the company into the search engine, see only positive reviews and articles. Although it is most often used in cases when the reputation is already damaged, we recommend constantly working with feedback, in order to prevent a threat to the image of the company. PR is aimed precisely at building and maintaining reputation: building brand image and stable positive associations with it, increasing the perceived value of the brand, etc.

Special projects

These are unique advertising communications developed individually for each brand. They are aimed at engaging the consumer, creating interest in the product and stimulating him to buy it. This type of promotion is most often used by representatives of medium and large businesses.

Business consulting

When a business stops growing and falls into stagnation, it can be difficult to identify the cause "from within". Therefore, in order to make an objective assessment of the current situation, to highlight all the advantages and disadvantages of the company in the market, it is worth inviting an external specialist who will impartially conduct analytics and find new ways of business development.

These services can be ordered separately, but a more effective model of promotion is an integrated approach, when different communication channels complement each other. The results of such advertising campaign are always higher.

In this article we will analyze the whole range of marketing services on the example of an integrated campaign. It will give a clear idea of how to cooperate with the agency.

Promotion always begins with an analysis of the specifics of the business and research of the target audience. These points are worked out in detail during the creation of a marketing strategy, so let's indicate only what is included in the preliminary analysis. The most important thing is to choose the right advertising channels and set them in the right way.

As a rule, users first search for information about the desired product through search engines and find what they need on the first or second page of search results. In this case, the most attention is paid to the sites that are in the first positions, so it is extremely profitable to be in the top 3 of Google.

SEO is a tool to bring the site to the top of search results.

Contextual advertising is built on the principle of auctions. By setting up an advertising campaign, advertisers bid on how much they are willing to pay to display an ad for a particular keyword query. When a user enters that query into a search engine, an auction takes place, and the advertiser with the highest bid wins. All this happens in a fraction of a second.

Contextual advertising is based on correctly identifying the target audience, keeping the optimal click-through rate and immediately directing the client to the page of the desired site.

Targeted advertising and SMM

Now many people prefer to promote themselves through social networks. First, the audience of social networks is constantly growing, so every advertiser can find their clients there. Secondly, social networks seem to many a magic pill, which can attract crowds of customers, without requiring a special investment. As a rule, this approach leads to disappointment and abandonment of this tool. The truth is that social media can really help a business significantly, but to do so they need to be seriously and constantly engaged.

How do agencies work with SMM? First of all, a detailed analysis of the business and the current state of social media is conducted. It includes:

Target audience analysis. 

Different social networks have different groups of population, so before you start promotion it is worth to find out where your target audience lives, how much time it spends in networks, what content it is interested in, etc.

Business and product analysis. Unfortunately, not all products are suitable for promotion in social networks. For example, in the B2B segment, they should only be used as an auxiliary tool to keep in touch with customers. Also, not all platforms are equally good for a particular product. 

PR in the network

PR includes a whole range of tools aimed at forming the brand image and increasing its awareness among the target audience. The choice of specific tools depends on the company's capabilities: the level of media loyalty and Influencers, the progress of media dynamics, the strengths of the strategy, the risks of past advertising campaigns and the availability of resources.

First of all, a PR concept is developed. It includes the strategy and current plan. It will later be used in projects, in advertising from bloggers, in press releases, cards on websites and other promotion channels. Then, in accordance with the chosen strategy, contracts with Influencers and the media are signed, PR approaches are developed and PR materials are prepared.

Audit: what is it and why should it be done?

Audit of advertising campaigns - collecting analytics on the launched advertising campaign, from the ways of its implementation (different types of advertising) to the potential launch channels (social networks, contextual advertising, advertising on thematic sites) and allocated budgets.

All errors of this kind are corrected by the audit. In the end, the client should receive a report describing the current situation and detailed recommendations. All the problems of current advertising should be fixed. The report suggests ways to solve these problems and other possible improvements to the advertising campaign. This kind of audit is most often difficult to carry out on their own - in this case, it is best to contact the professionals.

