Edge Computing Technologies for a Better IoT Ecosystem

According to worldwide IoT forecasts, by the year 2020, edge computing or infrastructure will reach 18% of the total spend on IoT infrastructure. The spending pattern is based on deployment of the IT systems that help to reduce time to value of the data collected from different connected devices.

According to data, Global edge computing technology or market will reach $6.72 billion by 2022 with an annual growth rate of 34%. Currently, about 10% of the data is processed and created outside the centralized data center or cloud. By 2020, the figure is expected to reach about 50%.

What is Edge computing in IoT?

Edge computing is a solution that facilitates data processing at the source of data generation. Integrated with the internet of things that is IoT, the possible sources of data generation are things with the sensors or other embedded devices. Edge computing is a decentralized extension of campus, data center networks or cloud.

With the general forecast of 30 billion IoT devices, the total amount of data stored in the cloud will be difficult to imagine. For improving the performance and reducing the overall operational costs, there has to be a way out. The best solution for handling the data outside is through the cloud or the edge. An IoT app can help to optimize business solutions and edge technology can help with this.

Why Edge Computing is Vital for IoT Ecosystem?

The computation of data right when the data is processed or produced at the edge of an IoT network is edge computing. Its unlike cloud computing, where the data is stored locally on an IoT device or the nearest network. Every IoT sensor procures tons of data in every possible second. In case of an action, the central data sends back the response to the available device that analyses and receives the acquired data.

The process is quick and is completed in no time though there may be a delay at times due to weak internet connection or a possible network glitch. It can also happen if the data center is located too far.

If you use edge computing, then there is no need to send the acquired data by IoT Sensors anywhere. The nearest network node or device will process the data and will respond in a manner if required. In a possible situation, IoT will not be dependent on internet connection and it can function as an individual network as well.

IoT edge computing scenarios used across the industries
  • Autonomous vehicles:

Have you heard about self-driving cars? It’s the best example of IoT based edge computing technology. A moving car simply can’t rely on the available, remote server. It needs to decide to stop over at crossing or the signals while driving. The decision has to be made on an immediate basis.

The data needs to be processed on the spot itself, this is regardless of available internet connection. The communication of vehicles will become easier as they don’t need to send every data possibly be it weather conditions, traffic or any kind of diversions to the remote server at first.

  • Healthcare Devices:

Healthcare sector has seen a complete transformation over the years. IoT edge computing is mostly used in the domain of health monitors or other wearable devices. It can be used in telemedicine that keeps track of a patient’s chronic condition. A heart rate monitor can help to analyze data in an individual.

When required it can provide a necessary response to caregivers or give out an alert. The technology is also used in robot-assisted surgery where every second count. Robots have to analyze the data on their own to assist in safer and accurate surgery. Its indeed of great help to the health care sector.

  • Security Solutions:

If a security solution does not respond in seconds, it is of no use. Every security solution should respond instantly. Edge computing technology with IoT is a great bet for surveillance systems. Edge computing technology can help in on-device video processing, alerting users in case of trespassing or alerting about any kind of suspicious activity.

It can help your cameras save internet traffic, reduce the cloud storage and bandwidth while improving the overall accuracy and speed of response. Security is important in every sector and the use of CCTV is also prevalent.

  • Smart Sensors in Agriculture:

IoT edge-based technology can also be used in the agricultural sector. When the system is automated, there will not be any need to turn on the central server to decide on the need for water and fertilizers. It can easily synchronize with the technology to provide routine tasks with the main network at once. A self-sufficient autonomous system integrates with the technology to give a quick response.

You may read also : Cost to develop an IoT based proof of concept (PoC) for Smart Farming System.

TOP 5 Advantages of Edge Computing:
1. Increased data security

IoT is like a perfect target for internet cyber attacks but through edge computing, you can secure the networks and improve network security. The said data is decentralized and distributed among the various devices as its difficult to take down the whole network. GDPR compliance also works on a similar approach. The sensitive information is sent through a network and then stored in the cloud. It also improves overall security and protects privacy.

2. Better app performance

As it takes time for data to travel between different kinds of devices, you can store the data closest to the network or the source. This helps to save on time and effort both. It also helps to affect the overall app performance. You can analyze the given data in real-time without any delay or time-lapse.

3. Reduced operational costs

If you use IoT edge technology for storage, you don’t need to store in abundance. You can easily filter out data that is not required and take a backup of data that is relevant to you. This will not only help to reduce the infrastructure costs but also the overall operational costs of the company.

4. Improved business efficiency and reliability

When the costs are reduced on cloud storage and lower data traffic, it leads to more efficient business operations. There won’t be any connectivity issues as compared to other IoT products that work on cloud computing. All the devices can work autonomously without any internet connection.

5. Unlimited scalability

The best part about IoT edge computing is, you can scale it whenever you need it. It works without any reference to the available storage or the given costs. Edge computing is time-bound and completely scalable.

The future to come,

More than 75% of enterprise data will be processed outside the cloud and IoT edge computing will play a major role in it. The potential size of the edge computing market will increase by $13 billion worldwide within a period.

As per existing trends in IoT, most companies can consider edge computing for upcoming products to take full advantage of technology.

Investment in IoT based edge technology is surely the best bet for the future. It’ll help to channelize a better IoT ecosystem as well. Let’s discuss and build the best IoT system.
