At the start of the marathon, they know they have the energy to run faster, but they also know their limits and the difficulty of the challenge ahead.They manage their resources to achieve the best result at the finish line.After a few days of constant application of the Pomodoro, users say they can feel the midway point of the 25 minutes.By the end of the first week of constant application of the Pomodoro, users say they can feel when 5 minutes are left on the Pomodoro.In fact, many people report having a sense of fatigue during those final minutes.We can stimulate the ability to feel time in a different way by means of a series of exercises that enhance consciousness of passing time among Pomodoro users.This different awareness of the passage of time seems to lead Pomodoro users to a higher level of concentration in performing the activity at hand.Pomodoro users and people sharing the same work space with Pomodoro users.The ticking becomes a calming sound.It’s ticking, and I’m working and everything’s fine. After a while, users don’t even hear the ring because their level of concentration is so high.In fact, not hearing the Pomodoro ring becomes a real problem in some cases.Clearly, the different sensations that are elicited by the same sounds are signs of a profound change in a person’s perception of passing time.To respect the people who don’t use the Pomodoro, a number of solutions have been tested.The ticking and ringing of several Pomodoros in an environment where a team is using the Pomodoro Technique isn’t considered bothersome.It’s important to stress that the aim of the technique is not to carry out any sort of external analysis or control.With the Pomodoro Technique, there is no inspector who monitors workers’ hours and methods in an oppressive fashion.The Pomodoro Technique must not be misconstrued as a form of this kind of external control.Instead, the technique was created to satisfy the personal need to improve, and it has to be applied spontaneously.If every tick seems like an invitation to work quickly and if every tock repeats the question Am I going fast enough? these are signs of full immersion in what we might call the Becoming Syndrome.Today this is quite common.The underlying fear people have here is usually the inability to demonstrate their effectiveness as fully as they’d like to others and to themselves.The Pomodoro is a method for comparison, if not with others then at least with themselves, and every tick and tock seems to reveal their lack of ability.How can they hear the ticking as a calming sound?The idea or the solution might be just around the corner with the next tick, but they’ll miss it if they keep thinking about how quickly time is passing.You do this by learning to measure yourself, observe how you work, and develop the value of continuity.This is why the first objective to achieve with the Pomodoro Technique is simply to mark down the Pomodoros you’ve completed.What’s important is to find out how to go from four to two.The initial challenge is knowing how to analyze the way you work on the basis of test measurements collected every 30 minutes and not having expectations about the result.