What are the stages of Childbirth?

No Pain Natural Childbirth Way’s

Fear of giving birth is one of the most important reasons women refuse to have normal delivery in our country. In addition to fear of labor pain, incorrect beliefs in the process of delivery have also made it possible for asylum seekers to insist on cesarean delivery. Natural delivery is not harder and worse than cesarean delivery, unlike what women think. Perhaps the suggestion that maternal delivery is 3 times higher for cesarean section than a normal vaginal delivery can cause mothers to think of natural vaginal delivery. Here are some of the misconceptions about natural vaginosity and we will give you a solution to deal with these beliefs.

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What is the pain of normal vaginal delivery?

However, delivery is a painful process, and this can not be denied. Of course, the distance between the pains and contractions of the womb is high at first, and the mother has enough time to rest between them. Since the pains and contractions are getting closer, the baby will not spend more hours until the baby is born, and the labor pain is not beyond the control of the mother.

Gynecologist advice:

It is necessary for the mother to have enough information about the natural delivery and the process of it. This way, the pain tolerance will be much easier. One of the things most women do when they graduate is screaming. By doing this, the mother only loses her energy. The best work is to breathe deeply and start with the onset of pain and the onset of any contraction. Even today, women can choose low-grade or painless vaginal delivery in consultation with their physician.

Maternal Psychology Advisor:

It is clear that normal labor is painful so it should not be concealed. The important point is that the mother knows this pain is a moment and there will be no sign of his child's birth.

Stage 1:

Natural labor pain

The first stage of delivery is the longest stage and consists of three phases:

  • Primary phase: From the beginning of the pain to the opening of the cervix to 3 centimeters

  • Active phase of labor: When the cervix is ​​opened up to 7 cm.

  • Transition phase: At this stage, the cervix has been opened up to 10 cm.

1. Early or primary pain of normal delivery

When your contractions appear at regular intervals and the cervix begins to dilate, the pain of giving birth is officially begun. But if delivery pain does not start suddenly, and you get contractions that are relatively regular and regular, it may be difficult to determine the onset of labor pain. For this reason, it is sometimes difficult to detect early contractions of Braxton Hicks that may have occurred just before.

However, if you are not pregnant at 37 weeks and notice contractions or other signs of labor pain, do not wait to see if your contractions have progressed. See your doctor immediately to determine if preterm delivery is about to happen (How to prevent early delivery?). If you are at least 37 weeks pregnant, your doctor will probably give you instructions on how to track contractions and when you need to call.

It is assumed that your pregnancy is complete:

1- If the labor pain is premature, your contractions gradually become longer, stronger and closer. Eventually they can be seen every three to five minutes, and it takes 40 to 60 seconds. Some women have more frequent contractions during this stage, but contractions are still relatively mild and take less than a minute.

2. Sometimes contractions of premature pain are very painful. If your pain is normal, initial contractions do not draw attention to the size of the final contractions. You will probably be able to talk to them and walk. You might even have a short walk. If you need to feel calm, take a warm shower, watch the movie.

3. You may also see increased vaginal discharge, which may be accompanied by blood. This is quite normal, but if you see more than one blood clot, you should check with your doctor. Refer also to the doctor if the bottle is torn. (Embryo bottle tearing symptoms).

4. Early pain ends when your cervix is ​​about 3 to 4 centimeters wide and your progress is rapidly increasing.

How long does it take to get normal labor?

- It is difficult to determine when the onset of early pain is difficult, so it's often not easy to say how long it takes - or even for each woman, this may be different. The duration of preterm labor pain is very variable and depends largely on the cervix at the onset of labor pain and repeated and strong contractions.

- In the first child, if your cervix has not disappeared or has not started to expand, this phase may take 8 to 12 hours, although it can be significantly longer or shorter. If your cervix is ​​already very advanced or it's not your first child, labor pain is likely to be resolved much faster.

Coping tips in the elementary phase
  • Try resting during labor pain because it may be a long day (or night) ahead of you.

  • Be sure to drink plenty of fluids to prevent your body from getting low. And urinate repeatedly. The full bladder may cause more contraction of the uterus, and the bladder provides more space for the baby.

  • If you feel anxious (everything is stressful), it's best to do relaxing exercises or do something to thwart a little bit of calm (what is relaxing inside and how to get there) - like watching a movie or reading a book.

  • Change your situation and go for a warm bath and walk somewhere.

Stage 2:

Natural Pain Activated Pain Phase

1. Active pain is when everything grows steadily. Contractions become increasingly intense - more frequent, longer, and stronger - and you can no longer talk to them. Your cervix will be loosened faster until it is completely loose at 10 centimeters. (The last part of the active pain, when the cervix is ​​dilated from 4 to 7 centimeters, is called the transitional area, which is described in the next section.)

2- In the end of active pain, the embryo may fall, although it may fall earlier, or may not start until the next step.

3. As a general rule, once you contract regularly every five minutes (each labor pain lasts about 60 seconds), it is advisable to call your midwife or doctor and visit the hospital or delivery center. .

4. In most cases, contractions become more common and eventually occur every two and a half to three minutes, although some women even do not experience pain in more than five minutes (even in the transitional phase)

Active labor pain occurs naturally?

For many women in the first delivery, active pain lasts 3 to 5 hours, although for others it is even longer or shorter than an hour. If you are taking xytocin (pitocaine) or have vaginal delivery, the active phase is rapidly increasing. If you have an epidural or a large embryo, the pain may take longer.

Tips for coping with labor pain

  • Most women choose to take analgesics, such as epidural, in some stages during the active phase.

  • But many techniques for controlling the pain and calm in normal delivery, such as breathing exercises and visualization, can help you during delivery, regardless of whether you are planning to receive medication or not.

  • Walking gives you a good feel, but you may want to stand and rest during any contraction. After your doctor examines you, you can walk around the room freely until there is no complication.

  • If you're tired, try sitting on the chair or lie on your bed. You can also ask your spouse to massage you. Or if you have access to the tub and your water bottle is not torn, you can get a warm bath.

3- Transition phase in normal delivery

- The last part of active pain - When your cervix is ​​dilated from 8 to 10 centimeters - is called the transition period, because this change is in the second stage of labor.

- This is the most intense part of labor pain. Contractions are usually very strong, they can be seen every two and a half to three minutes or more and last for one minute or more and may start shaking.

- As soon as your cervix is ​​fully opened and the transition is over, your child has somewhat descended to the pelvis. This is when you may feel red pressure.

- Most bloody secretions are seen. You may also experience nausea and vomiting now.

If you have epidural anesthetics, the pressure you feel depends on the type and amount of medications you use and how close your fetus to your pelvis is. If you want to be a more active participant in the push phase, ask your doctor for a lower dose of the epidermis at the transition stage.

How long does the transitional phase last?

The transition can take from 30 minutes to 2 hours. If you have had normal delivery (the benefits of normal delivery to cesarean delivery), this course is much faster.

What are the tips for dealing with the transitional phase?

If you do not have an epidural, it is time you doubt your pain tolerance. So you need a lot of encouragement and support.

 Use of massage. Some women enjoy touching, some prefer to touch stronger, and others do not want to touch.

 Sometimes the change in condition makes it so relaxing - for example, if you feel a lot of pressure at the bottom of your waist, the quadriceps and the feet reduce pain.

 Putting a cool cloth on the forehead or a cool pack on the back or hot pack will make you feel relaxed.

On the other hand, as the transition phase can focus, you may need distraction - like music or conversation or even cool cloth. The fact is, these contractions help the baby out. Try to visualize his departure with each contraction.
