Top Considerations for Choosing Lovin in Her Eyes

Growing cannabis begins with selecting the right seed. The size of the plant, the duration of the plant's life cycle, the yields you'll be able to harvest, and the effects you'll encounter will ultimately depend on the seed you choose. So, it's important to choose the right Lovin in Her Eyes seeds. So, how do you choose the cannabis seeds that are ideal for you? Here is a thorough list of things to consider when selecting cannabis seeds to produce.

Medical or Recreational Usage

It would be beneficial if, before selecting which cannabis species type to cultivate, you thought about your first consumption objectives. Recreational users may be searching for certain effects, while medicinal users should consider the diseases they seek to treat. Depending on the particular cannabinoids and terpenes a strain possesses, it may provide a wide range of effects, from mental to physical highs.


The potency or strength of particular cannabis strains will also be a consideration when it comes to ingestion. You should probably develop a gene with low or moderate THC levels if your tolerance is low. For experienced users or those with a high tolerance, the stronger the chemical, the better. Check the expected THC and other cannabinoid potencies of the cannabis seeds to see which quantity or genetic is best for you.

Taste and Smell Preferences

Most marijuana users prefer the flavor or scent of their drug in addition to its strength. Each strain will generate a range of smells and odors according to the terpenes they contain, some of which may even alter dramatically after curing. Choosing a strain that suits your tastes is a terrific idea, whether you favor sweet, lemon, skunky, fruity, or classic diesel smells.

Remember that some strains will mature with a greater flavor than others. Therefore, if you want to keep your growing operation secret or stealthy, you should avoid strains with intense odors.

Height of Plants

It's a good idea to think about the final height of your plant while selecting seeds. If you're growing indoors, your plant could have a ceiling space restriction. Therefore, you should choose a seed that fits these restrictions to ensure maximum yields and ideal growth. Although you may think that outside, "the sky's the limit," for some individuals, it is; you need to be especially careful about the height of the final plant if you have uncooperative neighbors. Some cannabis strains and seeds have a maximum height of over 6 feet, far higher than a fence that would restrict their view.


Price is one of the main factors in any purchase, including cannabis seeds. Fortunately, depending on the breeder, strain, or variation, you may get cannabis seeds within your price range or budget. However, to prevent obtaining subpar seeds, always research the breeder's reputation before purchasing. No matter how much money you have to spend, it's critical to stick with trusted sellers since the caliber of your seeds will determine the caliber of your plants.


Now that you know more about the factors to consider while choosing lovin in her eyes seeds, you are better prepared to grow cannabis. You shouldn't take this selection lightly since your chosen seed will affect the entire growing process. Consider these traits of different strains when purchasing seeds, and always purchase from reputable vendors.
