Lemon Oasis Strain: How To Find A Cannabis Strain That Works For You

When people hear the word Cannabis, often they think of someone lazy and active and all the other bad things to think about. Most researches show that it is the opposite. Research has proven that most cannabis strains, such as the Lemon Oasis Strain, can improve brain and physical activity. However, it should be noted that different strain types can cause a different reaction. Two people react differently to the same strain type; many factors can affect the response.

Understand The Relationship Between The Strain And The Users.

First, before everything else, you need to know that our bodies react differently depending on the intake of any cannabis compound. The same strain that makes you feel active can make your friend tired and sleepy. It all comes down to biology. Our bodies have a unique endocannabinoid system that processes the reaction to cannabis intake. Since our biological systems are not the same that is the reason different people produce different reactions. It would help if you made trials to determine how your body will respond to it.

Understand The Genetics Of The Seed.

There are over 700 strains of Cannabis, and each differs in chemical composition and how people deal with them. Do thorough research on popular strains and pick the one that will give the maximum effects you are looking for. The genetics of the seed is what will determine its smell, color, and taste of the seed. Furnace, the lemon Oasis strain has a lemony aroma, and it can come in paper, spicy, or strawberry flavors, but an individual might not be a fan of that aroma. Hence, it would help to look for the right strain with an aroma and flavor that suits your buds.

Know The Breeders.

Breeders are the people who are responsible for mixing up different strains to obtain other new stars. If you look lightly at this, you might get the impression that it is not an important factor; it is! The breeding will determine the flavor and taste of the strain you want to indulge in. Therefore, you need to look for breeders who rely well on the field, with enough knowledge and expertise that will allow them to produce quality strains.

Know The Growers

After you have made a follow-up on the breeders of your strain choice if you have no plans of growing it, then you need to know your growers; every step of cannabis development is very important in determining the outcomes. Sometimes, the seed strain or plant might be of good quality and from great brands, but the growing process can lead to disappointing results. As much as care and attention are given to selecting the right breeders, you need to work with the best growers of Cannabis. Any small alteration of the environmental factors can affect the whole harvest.

Terpene Profile

The aroma of Cannabis comes from cannabis terpene, and they work well with other components to produce the fee most users get when using Cannabis. Different terpenes include Limonene, pinene, myrcene, and others. You need to know that this chemical substance has therapeutic effects, so you need one that will give a sense of calm relaxation or service whatever purpose you need; Flavour can affect if you will be uplifted after three or become more relaxed.

The reason why you think that your friend is enjoying Cannabis better than you is most likely that you did not take the time to look for the right strain that will be suited for your body. Cannabis is not just Cannabis; many of them have whole different functions. Deciding whether you will pick the lemon oasis strain, Grandpa's Stash, or any other will depend n the study you have made. Do not take any cannabis strain just for the sake of taking it. Take your time to look for a strain that is suitable for you.
