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Our validator determines that has a medium-low authoritative score of 48.20 after taking a number of factors into account. This indicates that the following three words could be used to sum up the website: Doubtful. Perilous.

Alert. Let's investigate this further. The 48.20 rating given by The Validator has a few good justifications. After combining 53 significant factors that are pertinent to the business niche that the website belongs to, our algorithm generated the 48.20 score. These factors include, but are not limited to, the website's traffic rank, WHOIS information, unfavorable comments on social media, and some flawed technology.


The Umbrella, Alexa, and Majestic scores—three recent platforms that evaluate all the websites—are combined to create the Tranco rank. Let's examine the definitions of the terms listed in the Details section above in the same vein. As you can see, there are nine tabs listed there:

threat profile, phishing profile, malware score, spam score, domain creation date, HTTPS connection, website popularity (previous Alexa score), domain blacklist status, and proximity to suspicious websites. Let's talk about the last five since the first four of them are self-explanatory and you are probably already familiar with them. The "Proximity to Suspicious Websites" tab is the first one we look at.

What does that actually mean?


Due to the fact that both websites may be hosted on unreliable servers, there are times when the owners of the sites are unaware that their website is located close to questionable ones. On the other hand, if the "proximity to suspicious websites" score is extremely high (for instance, over 80),

you can be sure that the website is unquestionably risky and you should avoid it. It's not that bad if it's below 30. The scores listed under the Threat profile, Phishing profile, Malware profile, and Spam profile are exactly what they refer to. Please refer to the "Details" section above for more information.

These ratings are based on the elements and risk categories that are identified in the HTML code of the website. The malware score is based on the possibility that the website has malware and its owners are unaware of it (or are aware of it). Alternatively, the spam score is based on the possibility that the email address associated with this company has been flagged as spam. According to these two scores, the range of numbers up to 30 is not particularly risky, but anything beyond that point should be viewed with suspicion.


Is a scam? What would you rate it at?


Have you previously accessed this website? Please help other people who are currently reading this review. Do you think is a scam? How would you rate the website today if you have used this platform? At the bottom of this article, there is a comment section where you can share your experience. Please let us know if you communicated with the business or if you merely considered it.

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