Why The Vegan Industry Requires More People Like Asif Ali Gohar?

Humans have been living on the planet for a long time and causing gradual destruction. The greenhouse gas emissions are increasing day by day and resulting in severe climate change. Meanwhile, many 200 million animals are killed each day around the world to meet the food and other needs of humans.

In such a destructive era, many people are becoming conscious and changing their lifestyles to make the world a better place. One such human that is contributing to positive change is Asif Ali Gohar. Here is everything that you need to know about.

Asif Ali Gohar: A Look Into His Past

Asif Ali Gohar was born in Pakistan in 1992, but he has been living in Hamburg, Germany, for the past 18 years. He moved to this country at the age of 12 because of his parents. After this change, Asif started seeing the world with a new perception and desire to improve it.

At the age of 15, Asif turned into a vegan because of his disdain towards animal slaughtering for human food. This step also pushed him to develop a vegan alternative for leather during his university life. After thorough research, Asif has finally found a cost-effective substitute.

Gohar uses rice to make a leather slime as a base for a vegan-friendly leather-like fabric. He achieves excellent results by turning the slime into solid material using acetic acid bacteria and yeast. His project is in an early phase because Asif requires investors and Pakistani contacts.

Why The World Requires More People Like Asif Ali Gohar?

Here are the key reasons that will help you understand why the world requires more people like Asif Ali Gohar:

1.   He Is Empathetic

The top thing about Asif is that he is empathetic towards animals and makes changes in life to help the creatures live better life. This quality also allows him to be better than most other project developers. The primary reason behind this is that Asif is not in the venture to make high profits.

You should note that Asif's primary aim is to offer vegans a cost-effective solution for friendly products. Not only that, but he wants his community members to have the same luxuries as non-vegans. Lastly, Asif aims to reduce animal slaughtering for leather by offering a substitute component.

2.   Asif Is Helping His Homeland

Asif is a Pakistani from birth which is one of the reasons why he came up with rice as a substitute for making leather. This is because Pakistan is the world’s tenth-largest rice exporter. The country also has people with excellent knowledge about leather and rice.

3.   He Is Keen To Bring A Change

Many of us feel bad about animal testing, sourcing, and other cruel acts. However, the most many of us do about it is put up a post on social media for awareness. In such a world, Asif is taking definite action to change the world while spreading knowledge.

Key Takeaway

Asif has developed a plan to launch his business but requires investors and Pakistani contacts. If you fall in this category or know such people, be sure to help Asif.
