References generator and checker


Mendeley is a free reference manager and academic social network that can help you organize your research, collaborate with others online, and discover the latest research.

Steps for citation (shown in below figures):

  1. In word, click where you want to put an mendeley citation.

  2. Click insert or Edit citation.

  3. Then click go to Mendeley.

  4. Select the reference or references you want to insert.

  5. Click the insert citation button.

  6. Click insert bibliography.

  7. The reference is inserted into your paper.

By: Morouj Mahdi


Endnote Desktop is software used to manage your references and format your bibliography.

Steps for citation (shown in below figures):

  1. In word, click where you want to put an Endnote citation.

  2. Click the Go to Endnote button.

  3. Select the reference or references you want to insert.

  4. Click the insert citation button.

  5. The reference is inserted into your paper and instantly formatted.
