Criminal Cases in Lafayette- A Look At the Offenses Covered

Crimes are of different types and are categorized differently in the eyes of the law. While some cases are civil and relate to personal injury, extreme cases involving detrimental consequences are considered criminal.

The penalties, legal action, and repercussions of criminal cases are completely different than civil cases. Therefore, you must be able to identify which crimes come under the purview of criminal cases, so that you can seek compensation accordingly.

In case of a criminal case, you need to get in touch with an injury lawyer- in fact the best one in your area.

Today we will talk about the most common cases that come under the scope of criminal cases, for your better understanding. 

Criminal Cases Examples

In Lafayette, like in most jurisdictions, criminal cases encompass a range of offenses and violations of the law. The following are some common types of criminal cases that fall under the jurisdiction of the Lafayette court system:

  1. Assault and Battery: Cases involving physical harm or the threat of harm to another person.

  2. Theft and Burglary: Cases involving stealing or unlawfully taking someone else's property or breaking into someone's property with the intent to commit a crime.

  3. Drug Offenses: Cases related to the possession, distribution, or trafficking of illegal drugs or controlled substances.

  4. Driving Under the Influence (DUI): Cases involving operating a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

  5. Domestic Violence: Cases involving violence or abuse within family or domestic relationships.

  6. Homicide and Manslaughter: Cases involving the unlawful killing of another person, either intentionally or unintentionally.

  7. Fraud and White-Collar Crimes: Cases involving deceit, deception, or misrepresentation for financial gain, such as embezzlement, forgery, or identity theft.

  8. Weapons Offenses: Cases involving the illegal possession, use, or sale of firearms or other dangerous weapons.

  9. Sex Crimes: Cases involving sexual offenses, including rape, sexual assault, and child pornography.

  10. Robbery: Cases involving the use of force or threat of force to steal from another person or property.

  11. Cybercrimes: Cases involving computer-related offenses, such as hacking, cyberbullying, or online fraud.

  12. Property Crimes: Cases involving offenses against property, such as vandalism, arson, or trespassing.

Key Takeaways

The list of criminal offenses is not exhaustive and covers many more instances and cases. The nature, type, and circumstances of each case are unique and the potential penalties and charges depend upon the investigation. However, you must get help from an expert attorney if you are a victim or convict in any of the cases above, to ensure that justice prevails! 
