Whey protein out-weighs other proteins in many ways.

Speaking from experience when using whey protein; I added 30kg of muscle mass in 18 months. I had a life that revolved around consuming protein and lifting weights twice a day. My protein intake is still high, 30 years later. I am not powerlifting for muscle mass, but I am exercising to fight muscle mass loss and stay strong for the next 30 years.


Whey protein is a product derived from cow’s milk. It contains all nine of the essential amino acids the body needs. It is natural and easily absorbed into our systems for use. It is proven as effective in muscle growth, density, strength, and healing.


For the 5% of the population with dairy allergies, this can not be your option. Better choices to reach your protein needs are egg, pea, hemp, brown rice, or other concentrates.

  • Egg-based protein powders aren’t as popular, but an excellent option for lactose or milk allergies. Egg proteins can be more expensive but as a bonus, they are loaded with calcium, potassium, and magnesium. I used boiled eggs as a no-carb, low-fat, high-protein boost to my diet. Modern science is finally catching on to the fact that eggs are good for us and lycopene is essential.

  • I mentioned pea protein. These powders are rich in iron and branch-chain amino acids (BCAA) such as leucine, valine, and isoleucine. These are also found in meat and dairy.

  • Rice protein hydrolysate can be taken orally for muscle soreness for exercise recovery and mixed in baby formula to provide protein and avoid dairy if needed. Safe enough for babies. I like that.

  • Hemp is mainstream again and people are waking up to find the many benefits from consuming seed or powder forms. Chia and flax seed calories are 16, and 18% protein-based. Hemp is 25%.


My diet includes intermittent fasting. I am not using it to lose weight or cut calories. I do not have high blood pressure, blood sugar, or any signs of diabetes, nor did I when I started. What I found effective to start fasting is;


·         No eating within 3 hours of expected bedtime. Intake nothing that will engage insulin production. There are multiple benefits from this step. Many of our body systems operate in the background. When you eat close to sleep, your body and mind are awake focused on digestion and processing all the work you gave them.

·         If you sleep 8 hours, when you wake up that will make 11 hours without food and without starting up those intake processes. If you think not eating before bed is hard, skip breakfast.

·         Drink only black coffee or tea without sugar, sweeteners, dairy, soy, oat, almond, or sea otter milk. Water is your friend. I needed to abstain from coffee to end insulin in the morning. That primal energy I was talking about starts to kick in after fasting for 15-18 hours.

·         The less energy our bodies use on digestion, the more is available for everything else. That is the energy you feel. Recognise and use it. Don't panic and medicate against it.


Are you lacking energy, unable to sleep well, or struggling with weight and blood sugar control? Read this article again.
