Communication Aids:
Breaking Them Down
For those who don’t live with a communication aid on a daily basis, navigating the ever- evolving landscape of communication technology can be challenging. More and more AAC devices enter the market place every day and so deciding on the most suitable solution for a person’s needs can be difficult. Whether someone uses a speech tablet, tablet-app or a traditional AAC device, we have put together a guide to choosing the right communication aid!
Electronic communication aids all work by talking on behalf of the users
The Sequal Trust regularly supplies its members with traditional communication aids including lightwriters, eye gaze technology and grid pads, but we also supply iPads and laptops that are equipped for assistive communication. These electronic communication aids all work by talking on behalf of the users, who control them by inputting words. Selections can be made via typing, pre-set word selection or choosing images that represent phrases.
Many modern styles of communication aids require specific software to function as a communication tool. Grid pads and Eye gaze machines require device-specific software, while iPads and laptops can utilise simple app installations for communication. Which software is correct for a user’s device is usually determined by their unique needs. For example, those who need a communication aid that have limited mobility will rely on eye gaze enabled software, whereas more mobile individuals may prefer to type their messages.
Comprehensive Solution
Most members of The Sequal Trust communication aid charity require a combination of a speech aid and software, both of which we can fund. Our main ethos is to set lively minds free and as part of that mission, we provide ongoing support to members, even after they have received their communication aids.