Types of Steel Sections

Steel is one of the best materials to use in the construction of buildings; it adds strength and durability and withstands harsh weather conditions. When creating new steel framed buildings or using steel within any construction project, engineers need to understand what they have access to in order to create the framework for their building. Many different steel sections are commonly manufactured; each of these is useful for different areas within construction. In this article, we will take a look at the most common types of steel sections you can buy to help develop your knowledge of steel framed building construction and other types of construction. 


Angles are steel beams that have a right-angled L shape constructed within them. They vary in size, each part of the L could be the same length, or one might be longer than the other. They are typically used within the floor structure of residential buildings but can also be used for mining and other applications. 


Steel channels have a C shape; the edges of the flat piece protrude outwards and are often thinner than the main section of the beam. Steel channels have a huge range of applications, including being used as supports in the walls of buildings; they can also be used to form roof rafters and are used in the construction of vehicle frames and trailers. The flat side of the steel channel can be easily fixed to other surfaces to provide structure and support. 

Steel plates 

Steel plates are flat pieces of steel that are often quite thin. Steel plates aren’t often used on their own during construction. Instead, they are used in combination with steel beams to add strength and reinforce the structure. Common applications include container ships and boats. There are several types of steel plates; the most common is called a base plate; these can help to distribute weight evenly for foundations when placed on uneven surfaces that are hard to work on. 


Steel beams are a very common type of steel section, and they’re used in almost every type of steel construction. Steel beams can be found at any good steel buildings supplier in a variety of types and lengths. The main types of steel beams are I-beams, W-beans and H-beams. Some steel manufacturers consider channels as a type of beam; they're half of an I-beam. Each steel beam type offers different support levels and has unique properties that make them suitable for specific applications.

Hollow structural sections

Hollow structural sections are also referred to as HSS; they can be made into a square, circle, elliptical and rectangular shapes. They look like hollow steel pipes when circular, and you will often find circular HSSs used for scaffolding. There are many different sizes of HSS and various uses; along with scaffolding, they’re often used in the construction of staircases, bridges, gates, fences, cranes and various types of heavy machinery. They’re often used on the outside of buildings as they’re more visually appealing than other types of steel sections. They are smooth and have flat edges, so they can be used and left on the show without any alterations. 

Steel columns 

Steel columns are used vertically in construction to provide essential support for buildings. They can carry loads themselves or transfer loads from beams or other steel structures. They are often abbreviated to UC, which stands for a universal column. This type of column has a width that is roughly equal to its depth. Whilst columns are most often used as columns to support the weight, they can also be used as load-bearing members when height is restricted.

These are just a few of the various common types of steel sections. Steel is a highly versatile material with many great properties that make it suitable for construction industry use. Any construction engineer will be able to advise on the different types of steel sections needed for a particular building. They also need to consider the yield and tensile strength of each section being used. By taking into account yield and tensile strength, the building structure will be able to withstand the right levels of force and pressure without deforming or breaking.
