I have always been attracted to the ‘not so important’ people, whom we often tend to overlook, whom we pass as ‘banal’. Their prominent wrinkles, crooked teeth, and imperfect bodies, topped with the brightest of smiles. I believe the commoners are the symbol of resilience - emotional, cultural and temporal and we should uphold them with pride and work towards their betterment. They are the backbone to our society - without them, there is no you and me. This series is aimed at capturing the everyday randomness of the streets in India on which, life balances on.

This series is also my first trial with acrylic paint, bringing the vibrancy of the streets to life.

Acrylic on canvas  (Size: 30 x 24 inches)

I started this series with this girl I came across at Kutch in Gujarat. She was decked up in oversized clothes and was assisting an elderly man to sell their handmade decors. I was caught by her mesmerising eyes ...

Acrylic on canvas  (Size: 36 x 30 inches)

A scene from north east of India kept me guessing … A serious issue getting discussed?? Just enjoying the moment??


Acrylic on canvas  (Size: 40 x 30 inches)
This scene from the streets of Goa caught my attention …

Does man and the beast desire the same intoxication?

What if the animals start standing in queues demanding their needs…..

Acrylic on canvas  (Size: 30 x 40 inches)
  The spiritual vibes of Haridwar, brought alive by bright sunrays - cutting the early morning chill.

– brings the street life back to its daily hustle and bustle

Acrylic on canvas  (Size: 30 x 36 inches)

From the streets of Mumbai, the bustling city for rich and poor, as the flower markets becomes alive early in the morning.The intoxicating fragrance and the riot of colors wakes you to harsh realities of life …

Acrylic on canvas  (Size: 40 x 30 inches)
From the City of Joy, a traditional market place with un imaginable camaraderie among those who come and go,

who set shops….shared with dogs cows and the likes

– A fast vanishing scene in modern “online” days.
