The Future of Web Hosting: Trends to Watch in 2024

The internet isn’t getting any smaller! If you’re considering starting a business, a blog, or a website for any other reason in 2024, don’t even think about it until you’ve nailed down your web hosting—the foundation on which you’ll build your site. 

It might seem like a small element of business, but trust us, the future of web hosting is bright! Get your hosting right from the beginning and you can look forward to a stable, reliable, speedy website that readers enjoy visiting. 

Check out these 2024 web hosting trends for some ideas on what’s likely to work well this year and beyond. 

#1. Multi-Cloud Hosting: The New Way to Lower Your Risk 

No need to put all your digital eggs in one basket. Consider multi-cloud hosting—a web hosting service that allows you to distribute your content across a range of different cloud providers (Google Cloud, Amazing Web Services, etc). 

This means that if one cloud server goes down, your website doesn’t. It’s excellent for reliability and just as good for flexibility because you can hand-pick the services you need from each provider. 

It’s a little more pricey, but it also means you aren’t locked into a single vendor and have slightly more freedom. 

#2. HTTPS: No Longer Optional 

HTTPS is the secure version of the standard HTTP protocol. It encrypts important data so nobody can intercept and steal things like credit card details or personal identification data. 

Most websites offer this standard, and in 2024, HTTP just isn’t going to be enough anymore. As tech evolves, so do threats and cybercriminals, so you need every layer of security you can get. 

Plus, that extra “S” and reassuring little padlock sign go a long way toward building trust with your customers. And then there’s the fact that Google gives extra SEO points to HTTPS websites… Easy to see why it’s non-negotiable! 

#3. Shrinking Data Centers: The Move to the Edge 

Traditionally, if someone from South Africa, for example, visited a site hosted in the USA, the data had to travel a long way to land on their browser. Not anymore—edge computing is changing that game.

This means bringing the data closer to the user, to reduce the time taken for data to travel. Content delivery networks play a big role in this endeavor, speeding up website loading time significantly and improving the user experience.

This means websites can perform well no matter where their visitors are from, which is a bonus for digital businesses. Plus, if one cloud network fails, traffic can easily be rerouted to another virtual server nearby. 

#4. Web Hosting Gets a Green Makeover 

Web hosting providers haven’t been untouched by climate change! With a boom in sustainability driving consumer decisions, web hosts have been forced to become greener.

“Green” web hosts are starting to look for ways to make their services more sustainable. This might include using renewable energy services, investing in advanced cooling or power management systems to increase efficiency, and even taking part in renewable energy projects to offset their carbon emissions.

Green web hosting is likely to be even bigger in 2024 as customers continue to look for options that are environmentally friendly. 

#5. Security First: How Your Host Protects Your Data 

Cyberattacks are becoming more and more sophisticated, which means web hosting providers have to keep up with them. This may include things like implementing AI systems to detect (and handle) threats, two-factor authentication in multi-user networks, and more robust testing. 

Hosts may also require stronger passwords in the future and are also likely to place emphasis on regular updates and security patches to minimize future risks. 

#6. Niche Markets: Hosting Gets Specific 

2024 will see more personalized web hosting solutions. Gone are the days of generalized, one-size-fits-all web hosting. Niche hosting is the technology of the future.

We’ve already seen companies like WP Engine Hosting providing platform-specific hosting. WordPress is (still) the most popular website-building platform, and WP-optimized web hosts offer things like pre-installed plugins and special security patches.

Other platforms that have their own specific web hosting options include Shopify and Drupal. In 2024, we may see more platforms bringing personalized hosting systems onboard to streamline the process.

Other hosting types that may gain popularity are regional-specific ones, which help local businesses adhere to laws, regulations, and location-specific compliances, and industry-focused options (e-commerce, healthcare, etc). 

#7. Managed Hosting: Let the Experts Take the Wheel 

Managed hosting takes a lot of stress off your plate. This will become more acceptable in 2024—allowing your web host to take over the handling of your server environment (including updates, security patches, and more), allowing you to focus on more important things.

Considering the advances in security, those who have previously insisted on handling their own server can be reassured that managed hosting is a professional, safe way to run your website. 

#8. DIY Builders Keep Growing 

Web hosts are constantly looking for ways to be better, and implementing a DIY website builder is one of those things. This gives you complete freedom of creation when it comes to your own website, freeing you of having to hire a web designer.

This trend isn’t stopping any time soon. On top of that, web hosts often include extra tools to help you get ahead; marketing and SEO tools, performance monitoring tools, and ecommerce-specific tools to help you set up an online store. 

#9. Hosting Plans Get Competitive 

2024 is likely to see the web hosting environment become more competitive! Considering the number of web hosting options on the market, hosts will need to get creative to stand out from the competition. Some of the things we can expect include:

  • More Budget-Friendly Choices: Web hosts will battle for the lower tier, providing value-packed affordable choices. 

  • Value Adds: Hosts are likely to add helpful or unique features to their lineup to stand out from the rest. 

  • Hidden Costs: With the good comes the bad—some web hosts may add hidden costs in order to appear affordable. Stay vigilant! 

#10. Web Hosting as a Service: Beyond the Basics

Web hosts aren’t just spaces to “store” your website anymore. They’re dynamic and evolving environments, packed with tools and extra services to help websites grow and be more successful than ever.

Hosting isn’t just a thing you buy anymore, it’s a service. Which means you have access to a range of tools, troubleshooting material, 24/7 customer service, and more. Not just a digital space!

If you’re planning on starting a website in 2024, start with your web hosting. Getting this right will set you up for success from day one. The future looks bright!

About the Author 

Paul Wheeler runs a web design agency that helps small businesses optimize their websites for business success. He aims to educate business owners on all things website-related at his own website, Reviews for Website Hosting.
