What Will Weed Be Like In The UK?

In the UK, recreational cannabis is only available as a medical drug, but experts predict that this will change in the next few years. In this article, they explore the future of weed in the UK and whether we'll be smoking it like cigarettes, vaping it like e-cigs, or eating it like brownies by 2022. We have the answers!

What are the implications for weed legalization in the UK

There is no doubt that weed legalization is on the rise everywhere in the world, and this trend seems to be especially prominent in the UK. Proponents of legalization argue that it will help to reduce crime rates, increase tax revenue, and provide a new economic opportunity for those who are currently struggling due to prohibition. However, there are also a number of potential implications that could arise from legalizing weed in the UK.

Here are five of the most significant:

1. Increased use among young people: One of the major benefits of legalization is that it would likely reduce crime rates. If people can purchase marijuana legally, they may feel less constrained and less likely to engage in criminal behavior in order to get their hands on it. This could lead to increased use among young people, as they would no longer have to worry about getting caught. There is already evidence that cannabis use is increasing among teenagers in countries where it is legal, so it is likely that this trend would continue if weed were legalized in the UK.

2. Increased use among adults: Another potential implication of legalizing weed is that it would lead to increased use among adults.

How has the cannabis market changed over time?

Since cannabis was first made illegal in the UK, many people have been curious about what it will be like when weed is finally legalized. The market for cannabis has changed a lot since then, and experts predict that it will only continue to grow.

Here are some of the changes that have taken place over the years:

  • The legalization of medical marijuana has led to a huge increase in demand for cannabis products. This is because people with medical conditions can now legally use cannabis to treat their symptoms.

  • The legalization of recreational marijuana has led to an even bigger increase in is weed legal in the uk 2022. This is because people can now use cannabis without worrying about getting caught.

  • There has been a huge increase in the number of companies that are producing cannabis products. This is because there is a lot of money to be made by selling these products.

The US Cannabis Market

The cannabis industry is booming in the United States and it’s only going to continue expanding. With that in mind, we wanted to know what experts think will happen with weed in the UK. And surprisingly enough, they predict a pot revolution! According to Tom Adams, chair of mental health at London South Bank University, “There could be a big change because there is huge public support for legalisation across the world. Countries where it is legalised have seen reductions in drug-related crime and health problems. There is a lot of evidence that shows it works.” Adams is right – weed has been shown to be effective in treating numerous medical conditions like chronic pain, anxiety, and PTSD. Plus, as we all know, it’s not just people in the UK who are interested in using this drug – it’s become increasingly popular all over the world. So if Adams is correct, then we can look forward to a major cannabis revolution in the UK!


With the legalization of marijuana in Canada set to take effect on October 17th, 2016, many people are wondering what it will be like when weed becomes legal in the UK. According to experts, we can expect a “pot revolution” similar to that seen with alcohol – with cannabis becoming more accessible and accepted by society as a whole. In fact, some predict that within 10 years time weed could be as popular as cigarettes and alcohol are today. While there is still plenty of uncertainty surrounding how this all will play out, it is clear that attitudes towards marijuana are changing rapidly – so if you want to get ahead of the curve, start thinking about how you would market your business around cannabis now!
