6 Steps to Take if You See Termite Infestation in Your Home

If you’ve ever had a termite infestation in your home, you know how destructive and costly these pests can be. The good news is that it’s not hard to prevent termites from entering your home if you know what to look for and what type of control methods are available.

Here are six steps that you should take if you see signs of termites in your house:

1. Call the professionals

If you see termites in your home, it's important to call the professionals. A professional and free termite inspection in Santa Clara, or wherever you reside, will help determine whether or not your home has been infested and how much damage has already been done. While DIY treatments can be effective, they may not catch all of the insects or prevent future infestations from occurring. Additionally, a pest control company can provide additional services such as prevention measures and treatment plans that are customized for your specific needs, something that might not be possible when doing it yourself.

2. Check for signs of termites in your home

It's important to know the signs of termite infestation and check your home regularly. Termite infestations can be hard to spot, but there are some tell-tale clues that you should look out for.

• Look for small piles of sawdust on the ground or in corners of your house. This sawdust is called frass, which is produced by termites as they chew through wood and other materials. If you see frass, it may indicate an active infestation in your home or yard that needs to be treated immediately.

• Check around windowsills, doorframes, and baseboards; areas where dampness tends to gather, for mud tubes made by subterranean termites (you'll recognize them as tube-shaped formations). These insects create these tunnels so that they can travel between their nest and food sources without being exposed to predators or harsh weather conditions outside their homes.

3. Remove dead trees and stumps from your property

If you have dead trees or stumps on your property, it's important to take care of them. Termites will look for a source of food and moisture to survive, so if you leave any dead wood around, it can be an easy meal for them. You also don't want to spread the problem by moving firewood from one place to another, keep all firewood at least 50 feet away from your home and other buildings so that any termites are not brought into contact with your house.

4. Move firewood piles away from your home

If you have a firewood pile near your home, move it away from the house. Firewood is a great source of food for termites and they prefer to eat wood that has been seasoned for at least a year. They can travel long distances in search of food so moving your firewood pile as far away from your house as possible will help keep them out.

5. Secure any weak entry points on your home

The first step to prevent termites is to make sure you have no weak entry points in your home. This can be done by:

• Securing any gaps in the foundation or repairing any cracks in woodwork.

• Keep gutters clear of debris, so water doesn't pool around them and create an ideal environment for termites.

• Make sure there are no leaks in the roof (even small ones). If it's been raining heavily, check for puddles on top of your house. If there are any signs of recent flooding from heavy rains or snow melt, then that may mean there is a leak somewhere that needs repairing before it causes more damage than just making an annoying noise when rain hits it.

Termites can be destructive pests, but

You can learn how to protect your home by knowing more about them and what you can do to prevent them from being a problem. Termites are not a new phenomenon. However, with proper knowledge and preparation, you can protect your home from a termite infestation by knowing more about them and what you can do to prevent them from being a problem.


If you think that your home is being infested by termites or other pests, it’s time to call a professional for residential pest control in Santa Clara, or wherever you live.
