6 Key Principles of Mobile App Design You Should Follow

Mobile apps have become an integral part of our everyday lives, but their design can be just as important as their functionality. When the two work together, they create an experience that is fun and easy to use.

So, it isn’t just about going with whatever you feel to do. You need to ensure that your app design firm in Los Gatos, or wherever you are located, is following the basic principles for the design process. Here are a few key principles to consider when designing your mobile app:

1. Design for the user, not the device

The first thing you need to know is that mobile design is not about creating an app that looks good on all devices. Instead, it's about designing an experience that works well across all platforms and devices. In other words, you should focus on making sure your app functions well no matter what kind of phone or tablet people are using--not just because it looks good on their particular device!

This can be difficult if you're used to designing websites where browsers resize themselves automatically based on how large or small they think they should be displayed (which is why we recommend using responsive web design). With mobile apps, though there are still many different sizes and shapes of phones out there; so instead of worrying about whether or not something will fit into one screen size vs. another like with websites we recommend trying out different layouts until something feels right before moving forward with development work.

2. Use color to create contrast and draw attention to the most important elements

Color is one of the most important elements of design. It can be used to create contrast, draw attention to the most important elements, and even help users understand how they should interact with your app. Consult this in clear with your app and web design agency in Los Gatos, or wherever you are.

3. Make it easy and intuitive to navigate between pages

You can use tabs to navigate between pages. If you have a lot of content, use tabs to organize it into sections. For example, if your app has an "About" page and a "Contact Us" page, then create two tabs at the top of each screen with those titles so users can easily find them when they need them.

Make sure that all of your buttons are easy to find and understand: don't hide them behind dropdowns or other menus; make sure they're big enough that people won't miss them; don't use complicated icons (like arrows) because they might not mean anything in other languages! Provide a way for users who want more information about what's happening onscreen right now (such as an arrow pointing down) but also provide traditional navigation tools like back buttons in case someone wants more options than what's available onscreen at one time.

4. Flashy, flashy isn't always the best

You've probably heard this before, but it's worth repeating: flashy, flashy, flashy isn't always best. In fact, you should use the right amount of flash and leave it at that. Don't overthink your design. Remember that mobile phones are small screens with limited processing power and battery life--and unlike a desktop or laptop computer monitor or TV screen (which can be viewed from many different angles), you only have one angle when using an app on your phone!

5. Keep it consistent across all platforms

Consistency is key. Consistency across all platforms, devices and apps is essential for users to feel comfortable with your product. They want to know what they can expect from the experience of using your app, so it's important that they have a consistent experience across all platforms and devices you support.

6. Don't forget about accessibility

While you're working on the design of your app, don't forget to keep accessibility in mind.

• Ensure your app works on all devices: Your users will likely use their smartphones for a variety of different purposes, so make sure that your design can scale across multiple screen sizes and resolutions.

• Choose a color scheme that's easy to read: If you want people who are visually impaired or have trouble reading text (e.g., those with dyslexia) to be able to use your app properly, choose a simple color scheme that has sufficient contrast between background colors and text styles so they can easily distinguish where one element ends and another begins without any difficulty whatsoever

Mobile apps can be fun, engaging, and functional when they're designed with careful consideration

• Make it fun

It's easy to think of mobile apps as utilitarian tools that help us get things done, but they can also be fun and engaging. Think about what you want your users to do with your app and how you can make that experience enjoyable for them. For example, if you're creating an app for kids so they can learn numbers and letters, you could use sound effects like applause when they tap on something correctly or make little animations appear when they touch the screen in just the right way. This will keep kids engaged (and hopefully prevent any parent-induced tantrums).

• Make it easy to use

Users don't want complicated interfaces; they just want things done quickly and easily! Consider how people might use your product before designing anything--it'll save time down the line when it comes time for testing different iterations of ideas through user testing sessions or surveys sent out via email campaigns targeted toward specific demographics who match up well with those who would most likely use such services/products offered by companies within their target markets.


Designing a great mobile app is not an easy task. It takes time, patience, and careful consideration of every detail. But with these six principles in mind and followed thoroughly by your web design firm in Los Gatos, or anywhere else, you'll be well on your way to creating something that users will love and enjoy using!
