Mental wellness, peaceful balance, digestive health, better sleep, and energy on demand, from a bunch of dried leaves and water.
Black tea, and to be specific Taylors of Harrogate Yorkshire tea, proper black tea is in more Aussie cups than any other. I can drink black tea all day. What is in your cup? Do you prefer a loose-leaf or ground product?
When I was younger my palette was after much sweeter and carbonated drinks for misguided refreshment. The value of tea via placebo or actual medicinal benefits has become clear as I have slowed down to savour the flavours. Do you have a go-to tea that calms you to the core?
Chamomile wipes me out like eating it on the Gold Coast, nearly guaranteeing a nap will be needed.
While on a brief stay in South Korea, boricha or barley tea presented such a soft, nearly mystical flavour as though it was conjured from multiple ingredients only in my mouth at that moment. Oolong seems to work the same way.
I was skeptical of hibiscus tea, thinking it would taste like a tree, and pleasantly shocked to find it so sweet.
Green tea is in leaf form and matcha powder. That’s how I differentiate them. Green tea can carry some strong tannins and I usually steep it lightly. With matcha, I want matcha matcha more, but usually cold and 25% milk.
We can order every tea, including, aniseed tea online at Tea Vision. Aniseed is anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory assistant. If you have blood sugar or ulcer issues, this tea will have you asking; Why wasn’t this recommended before?
White, yellow, green, brown, and black tea differ in their oxidation. From there we add names like Assam to further break down the black tea family. Asam is what I consider real breakfast tea.
When I see yellow tea, I automatically think this person is a new tea drinker but it is a slowly cured green tea and has many uses for mixing cocktails.
Rooibos is a caffeine-free tea from South Africa. Jasmine white tea has a low level of caffeine. No need to wind yourself up when calming down.
Chai tea holds a place in my heart during cold seasons when I need to thaw.
I mentioned the placebo effect of tea. I tested this by replacing a morning cup with only hot water; no tea, no coffee. Our minds are complex because I could swear, I had the same effects as if I had consumed my normal strong cup. What we put in will be filtered. Drink with purpose. Cheers.