What is desert? Could there be a jungle?
Look at the dunes, are you feeling thirsty? Can you feel the dry air? Do you feel the furnace above your head? Here you are, in the most challenging place. It is a challenging place that could manifest its hardship via environmental dimensions and sociological
aspects as well.
At least in Saudi, we have grown economically very well over the past decades. However, other characteristics of the ecosystem surrounding economy, are fragile and could be holding any economical development to thrive. To make things clear, I am not going to suggest solutions, but I am going to point out where we could create a jungle and grow bananas!
This blog is an attempt to describe how someone is trying to live a very rich life, and I mean by rich is, to have a flourishing life in aspects of learning, thoughts, relations, believes…etc. This someone could be anyone including me, tackling those aspects and sharing my experience throughout this blog.
Hopefully, every blog post would make someone’s life better, this is my optimal goal.