Wrongful Dismissal Lawyer Philosophy on Client Involvement

Wrongful termination is an illegal act that occurs when a company fires a worker for reasons other than those provided by law or in violation of their contract. When this happens, the fired employee may be entitled to back pay, front pay, compensation for emotional distress damages and punitive damages. In order to pursue a claim for wrongful dismissal, it is important that the person involved has access to the right attorneys to help them understand their rights and options.

A lawyer who specializes in employment law will have the expertise to understand the legal issues associated with wrongful termination. They will be able to review the facts of a case and determine what type of compensation would be appropriate for the situation. In addition, a lawyer will be able to assist the person with filing the necessary paperwork and pursuing all appropriate remedies available to them.

It is vital to gather and preserve all evidence related to a wrongful termination. This can include emails, text messages or memos that support the argument that a company treated the employee unfairly. In addition, witness testimonies are also an important piece of evidence.

Co-workers who witnessed discriminatory actions or comments by a boss, as well as statistical data that indicates patterns of prejudiced behavior at the company can all be helpful to a wrongful termination lawsuit.

Another important piece of evidence is documentation of the firing itself. This can include copies of the termination notice, as well as any proof of unemployment benefits received or government assistance that was required after the firing occurred. In some cases, a former employee may be eligible for additional compensation, such as reimbursement for the cost of education or training that was necessary to secure a new job after being fired from the previous position.

To win a wrongful termination case, the plaintiff must show that the firing was unfair and that the company violated a law or statute. For example, it is illegal to terminate an employee for a reason that violates state or federal anti-discrimination laws. It is also a violation of public policy to fire an employee who discloses a reasonable belief that a company is engaging in activities that violate a law, regulation or code of professional conduct.

Other grounds for wrongful dismissal lawyer include failing to provide the proper amount of notice before terminating an employee, or providing improper or insufficient notice. Additionally, it is unlawful to fire an employee for making a complaint about a company or retaliating for taking action as a whistleblower. It is also illegal to fire an employee for revealing information that could be harmful to the company’s reputation, such as a health or safety risk.
