How To Explain SEO To A Child: Compare It To A Video Game. Click Here For The Walk-Through.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a complex and ever-evolving digital marketing strategy. As such, it can be quite difficult to explain to people who are unfamiliar and perhaps not so tech savvy.


In this article, we’re going to teach you how to explain SEO to a child. In doing so, you’ll be able to easily explain the purpose – and indeed the benefits – of investing in SEO. This is particularly helpful if you have a boss who is reluctant to give it a try.


Ready? Let’s jump right into it.

SEO is like a video game


There are many ways to describe SEO, but in this case we’re going to compare it to a video game. Here’s why:


● Every video game has a very clear objective: the objective of SEO is simple; to improve your brand awareness, drive more organic, ‘ready to spend’ traffic through your website, and to ultimately make a tasty return on your investment.

● Video games require strategy to beat: particularly as you progress through the harder levels of the game, if you wish to defeat your enemies and complete your objectives, you need a good strategy in place. You can’t just ‘run and gun’ blindly without a plan and expect to make it to the finish line. SEO is very much the same. In order to out-manoeuvre your competitors, you need a solid strategy in place.

● You ‘level up’ your character and upgrade your gear/skills: in RPG games, it’s all about training; levelling up your character, gaining new skills, and upgrading your gear. SEO is not so dissimilar. You must optimise your website for an improved on-page experience, refine your website copy and technical SEO, and so much more. The better your website, the more likely you will be able to climb the rankings.

● Games are better when played with others: games are more fun when they are enjoyed with others. SEO is very similar. For the greatest chance at SEO success you need to develop a strong backlink profile from real and reputable websites. In order to achieve this, you must have a solid link-building strategy and to consistently produce high-value content that others want to share. Not only that, but working with SEO specialists makes the game less challenging and all the more enjoyable!

● You are the hero: much like in video games, when developing an SEO strategy for your business, you are the hero. If you want to succeed you must establish your brand as an industry leader by providing high-value, ‘people-first’ content that actively solves problems. Google is all about rewarding the ‘heroes’ who go above and beyond to provide a superior experience for their users.

● It’s a rewarding experience: playing computer games can be very rewarding – especially when you achieve what you set out to achieve. In SEO however, it’s not just a sense of achievement – but a significant return on your investment. If you want more brand awareness and additional sales / new clients, then SEO is a game well worth playing!

Conclusion: Ready up player one


And there we have it: SEO is like a video game:


● There’s a clear objective.

● Great strategy is required.

● You must ‘level up’.

● It’s fun with others.

● You are the hero.

● It’s a rewarding experience.


So, if you’ve been having difficulty explaining the purpose and benefits of SEO, why not give this analogy a try?


Then, find a reputable SEO agency with plenty of social proof and case studies that support their authenticity and start working towards completing your objectives.

Ready up!
