Why winter tyres are important? 

A lot of motorists in the UK get confused about choosing between winter and all-season tyres. Still an unanswered question as to why use specifically winter tyres if we have all-season tyres? There are certain aspects of using seasonal tyres online that all-season tyres cannot offer.


Considering tyres only, they are the most functional part of any vehicle. They perform functions like supporting the weight of the vehicle, creating the only point of contact between the road and the vehicle, sustaining the balance and stability of the vehicle. Foremost of all they provide you with safety. Using seasonal tyres is suggested the best as they provide you safety and security in changing weather and in different road conditions. It is important to consider the use of seasonal tyres mainly because of climatic changes and the various kinds of road conditions in changing weather.


The weather changes throughout the year and the change in climate brings about a considerable change in the road conditions and the overall atmosphere. And this change can cause significant damage to your cheap tyres online.


Why winter tyres are suggested to be used in cold weather?


A special compound used- 


It is essential that you use winter tyres only below 7 degrees Celsius. They are engineered in a way to be used in extreme cold and snow-filled surfaces. The rubber used in making winter tyres is natural rubber and this particular type of rubber provides winter tyres the softness they need to maintain the grip. While summer tyres and all-season tyres are composed by mixing both natural and synthetic rubber that gets stiff if exposed to extreme cold weather. The structural compound of winter tyres is designed to provide flexibility even at zero degrees Celsius.


Traction is superior- 


Tyre tread is the design that is embossed on the tyre to provide it traction. Tyre tread is the actual part that makes contact with the road and helps in creating friction that produces the needed traction and grip for moving forward. The tread pattern has the most important feature of sustaining traction.


In winter tyres, the tread pattern is comparatively deeper with hundreds of groves and sipes. The gaping between the two designs is bigger that prevents hydroplaning and disperses more accumulated snow or water from the road. So more intensive type of tread provides enhanced stability and handling on wet and icy road conditions. This kind of tread allows tyres to cut easily and make more movement. More importantly, the sipes are essential to bite into the ice for more stability.


A more aggressive tread pattern reduces the chances of snow build-up that can affect the performance of your winter tyres. The tread pattern of all-season and summer tyres cannot provide suitable performance and can lead to skidding and slipping on wet and icy covered road surfaces.


Improved braking performance


The tyre compound of the all-season tyre cannot provide optimum braking distances. It is essential to have a short braking distance in winters as it signifies better functioning of tyres. Especially in winters, if your car loses balance, it will be easier to stomp on the brake and stop the car. While using inappropriate tyres in such a situation can be dangerous as it may lead to skidding over cold and slippery surfaces. Proper winter tyres provide sufficient friction that helps in stabilizing your vehicle by having a short stopping distance.


Climate change


The weather changes throughout the year and changing seasonal tyres is one of the most annoying tasks for drivers. But it is for the best. Using summer tyres in winters can risk your safety. It is suggested not to do such a thing. But why it is not recommended. Because the rubber compound of your summer tyres is not suitable for driving in winters. If exposed to extreme cold, they are likely to get damaged and their rubber can deteriorate on more frequent use. Using winter car tyres will provide a safe driver because they are designed to function under extreme cold weather. They will enhance stability, handling, and even agility while driving. Winter tyres for sure improve the overall performance and provide you quality ride.


Road conditions- 


All-season tyres cannot provide a comfortable drive in extreme cold. If you are ready to sacrifice your car performance then you can buy all-season tyres. If not, winter tyres can be a very good investment. They do not unevenly wear out and provide you with a better quality ride than any other seasonal tyre. On an icy and slippery road, winter tyres are considered the best to provide safety.


So, driving with winter tyres in cold weather is always considered a better option. They are said to improve your safety and enhances the overall performance of your car.
