Great Hobbies for Retired Gentlemen

If you are rapidly approaching your retirement and work is a major part of your life, have you considered what you will do with all that free time? Sadly, some people retire and they simply do not know what to do with themselves and if you think you might be in that group, here are a few cool hobbies that retired men take up.

Ø  Remote controlled vehicles – Cars, planes, helicopters and boats can be controlled with a remote; why not race your high-tech RC buggy at the local park? You can race against your friends and even set up race meets with other enthusiasts. If you love flying, how about learning to fly a model Spitfire or a Lancaster Bomber? RC boats are spectacular, with many fine replicas of famous vessels; if you would like to see the latest RC planes, cars and boats, search online for Australia’s leading RC supplier.

Ø  Golf – Golf is a highly addictive game that is ideal for the retired; start by having a few lessons with a Golf pro, join a local club and watch your handicap fall as you become a better player. When you play 18 holes, you get a full workout, which is one of the main reasons the sport is popular among retirees.

Ø  Fishing – There's no better way to spend a day than fishing with your buddies; some guys prefer sea fishing, while others are into freshwater venues like lakes and rivers. Invest in a kayak and you can fish the many tributaries, where monster fish lurk; one thing is for sure, you will have a few friends who love to fish, so you can make it a social occasion.

Ø  Snooker – This game is played on a 12’x6’ slate table and while it isn’t that popular here in Australia, we do have a world-class player in Neil Robertson. If there is a snooker club near you, pay them a visit and have a go, who knows, you might be a natural cue player. It isn’t a game that requires much in terms of physical output, but there is a lot of skill involved and it takes a while to become a proficient snooker player.

The most important thing is that you have fun and now that you have so much free time, you can visit all those places you wanted to see but were too busy.
