How to Treat Sleep Apnea

The human body is a marvel of nature, as are all living creatures on this blue planet of ours and in order to function, we need at least 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep. While we do know a lot about our anatomy and make-up, we are not sure why sleep is necessary, yet we know it is!

Sleep apnea is a disorder in which a person’s airways become blocked during sleep, which wakes them up. An airway blockage occurs and this could be caused by a variety of things.

Sleep disorder centre

Your GP would likely refer you to your nearest sleep disorder centre, where they can diagnose the cause and provide effective treatment. An overnight stay is obviously part of the program; breathing patterns and other things are monitored to assess your sleep routine. The specialist would normally get the data they need to accurately diagnose the causes of snoring

Potential treatments

Many people wear an anti-snoring mouthpiece that keeps the airway open; a Class 1 medical device that uses mandibular repositioning technology to keep the airway open, which eliminates snoring. The supplier offers a solid 30-day money-back guarantee and for many Australians, this device solves the problem. Search the web for a leading Australian manufacturer of the best anti-snoring devices and enjoy a 30-day money-back guarantee.

CPAP devices

Continuous Positive Airway Pressure, CPAP for short, is a machine that delivers air through a mask and this constant supply keeps the airway open. Of course, this device isn’t for everyone, there are other devices, such as nasal strips and tongue retainers. CPAP machines are available online and prices are generally 15-20% cheaper when you buy from a website.

Surgery – The last resort

If all else fails, there is surgery, when a surgeon removes skin from rear of the mouth and top of the throat; this is a relatively simple operation and it should resolve the problem. Your GP would schedule surgery, but only after all other treatments are exhausted.

The best way to investigate snoring is to book a night at a sleep disorder centre and let the experts do their stuff. Sleep apnea is more common than you might think and if you are feeling tired and irritable, it might be due to a lack of quality sleep.

