Nutritionists all over the world unanimously claim that the ideal diet should consist of 5 meals a day. Most often, this is a full breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as two "snacks".

We can easily control the "healthiness" of breakfast and dinner ourselves, since these meals take place at home. But dinner, or, as it is also called, lunch, is already causing difficulties for many office workers, since the products offered by canteens, cafes or fast food establishments in most cases are extremely harmful not only for the figure, but also for health.

The only alternative is “food in boxes,” that is, brought in containers from home, fortunately many companies are equipped with office kitchens.

How to have lunch at work so that it is both tasty and healthy?

A healthy business lunch should include not only meat, but also vegetables, fruits, cottage cheese and even nuts. The correct combination of these products in the daily diet during the yoga will not only relieve heaviness in the stomach, but also provide the body with all the necessary energy. Also make a habit to do the exercise on mat and store it properly to avoid germs.


A fitness lunch should be tasty and healthy, so you should opt for lean meats such as chicken or turkey.

Chicken meat is a great alternative to all other types of meat (beef, pork and lamb). For a small amount of calories in 100 grams of chicken breast - only 113 kcal, there is a mind-boggling amount of proteins and amino acids. 100 grams of the product contains 23.6 grams of protein, fat - 1.9 grams, and carbohydrates - 0.4 grams.

As for turkey, it is considered the most dietary meat in the world. 100 g of fillet contains 84 kcal, 23.5 g of protein and only 1 g of fat, which makes turkey an extremely valuable product for gaining weight.

In addition, turkey meat contains a large amount of vitamins A and E, various microelements (iodine, phosphorus, sodium, calcium, magnesium, potassium).

Cottage cheese

Cottage cheese is considered to be exceptionally healthy, with a bonus in the form of proteins that are completely absorbed by the body. This product is a real treasure trove of such useful substances as phosphorus, iron, magnesium, beta-carotene and various vitamins (A, B1, B2, C, D, E, etc.).

The amino acids it contains strengthen the nervous system, reduce cholesterol levels and normalize liver function.

The amount of calories in cottage cheese directly depends on its fat content. The best choice would probably be cottage cheese with a fat content of no more than 5%. It contains only 145 kcal per 100 g. And the same amount of product contains 21 g of protein, 5 g of fat and 3 g of carbohydrates.

Vegetables and fruits

Since childhood, everyone knows about the benefits of vegetables and fruits – the main suppliers of vitamins to the human body.

For example, replenishment of vitamin C occurs mainly thanks to fruits and vegetables (sweet peppers, cabbage, oranges, etc.). And many of them, for example, bananas and apples, contain folic acid and selenium, the main assistants in the production of endorphins - hormones of happiness.

The large amount of liquid in vegetables and fruits helps to satisfy not only hunger but also thirst. And fiber, which is also present in large quantities, contains virtually no calories, but gives a feeling of satiety and helps to remove many harmful substances from the body. Also make sure you are using premium quality material mat to stay happy and healthy.


Nuts are not only a tasty treat, but also a very valuable source of unsaturated Omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins and minerals, which are so necessary for the proper functioning of our body.

Eating nuts at lunch will not only benefit the cardiovascular system and help remove harmful cholesterol, but will also improve brain function.

Preference should be given to hazelnuts and almonds, which simply contain an off-the-scale amount of vitamin E. By the way, hazelnuts are famous for their high protein content – ​​about 15-20%.

You can also add variety to your lunch with peanuts. They will easily replenish your reserves of vitamins B and C, calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, sodium and phosphorus.

However, this category of products should be approached with all possible caution, as nuts are considered allergenic products. It is recommended to consume no more than one handful of nuts per day.


There are a lot of recipes for healthy and nutritious dishes that are prepared with a minimum amount of effort and retain almost all the beneficial properties we need.

Example of a healthy business lunch:

In the office with a refrigerator

The ideal option is to bring meat and fish dishes with a side dish from home. Thanks to the refrigerator, such dishes will be able to retain their freshness right up until the moment of their consumption.

Chicken breast, chops, red fish go well with stewed vegetables, rice or salad. And if desired, the food can be heated to a suitable temperature.

Chicken breast in parchment


Boneless, skinless chicken breast - 800 g,

Onion – 1 pc,

Bell pepper – 1 pc,

Cherry tomatoes – 200 g,

Lemon – 1 pc.

Olive oil – 1 tsp.

Salt, black pepper and spices – to taste.

Cooking time: 25-30 minutes

Servings: 4 pcs.

Caloric content of the whole dish: 1086 kcal

Per serving: 271 kcal; proteins - 48.25 g; fats - 6.4 g; carbohydrates - 5.8 g.

Method of preparation:

Cut the meat into small pieces, 4-5 pieces per serving. Cut the onion into thin rings, the bell pepper into strips, and the tomatoes into halves. Mix everything, add thyme and parsley. Pepper and salt, then pour in a teaspoon of oil.

Line the baking tray with 4 equal pieces of baking paper and place the vegetable and chicken mixture in the center of each. Don't forget to put a lemon slice on top. After all the manipulations, wrap each portion in an envelope.

You need to bake this chicken for 20-25 minutes in an oven preheated to 200 degrees.

The side dish can be either regular boiled rice with stewed vegetables or pumpkin baked in the oven with rosemary and garlic.

In the office without a refrigerator

If the office is not equipped with a refrigerator, then it is better to refuse meat dishes, yogurts, kefir and all perishables. Eating food that has been at room temperature for more than 6 hours is fraught with poisoning.

The best options would be fruits, dried fruits and nuts.

Final Words

Comrade! Remember and write down! Tell the healthy diet. Don't look for excuses in work and everyday life, healthy nutrition is not difficult. In the office, mine and factory - a healthy body is always in fashion. Even you can reduce the aging factors with these diets.
